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Give Them Lala

When you realize that you're not a good actress so you decide to get gigs and money by giving up your coochie.

If there are better actresses auditioning I will "give them lala!" I wanted the role so I "gave them lala."

by Candace Stone January 24, 2020

Wax them cheeks

To "wax them cheeks" means to engage in sexual intercourse with said person.

I love me some sweet mango booty, cant wait to wax them cheeks.

by Tomokiman June 26, 2016

Scrub them knockers

Go brush them teeth. Originated from accidental wording when sleep deprived.

‘Ew my mouth feels so nasty’ , ‘ go scrub them knockers

by Big Ben 10.0 April 3, 2022

Fuck them down

The embarrassing act of having a dick slapped against the ass crack to show absolute superiority, in that if the superior wanted to, they could rape the inferior at any time.

A display of dominance.

"The big guy threw me to the ground in the showers and fucked me down, he told me to come to his cell later"

"The alpha dog will often fuck them down to show his dominance." "The other males submit to the alpha's down fucking to show their allegiance."

by arkyvaza June 26, 2015

necking them back

Pronounced ‘Neckin em back’. To be seen to drink alcohol, usually in the form of beer, fast and in quick succession. A British, perhaps local to midlands region saying and definitely misconstrued to US population as a sexual inuendo (fellatio).

Wow, she was really necking them back tonight. Good work!

by Wadded January 8, 2019

Them's good taters

My brother-in-law's favorite expression. He is from Pennsyltucky so it's understandable.

*Through a mouthful of home fries at the diner* "Them's good taters!" Eyes roll.

by Bigfatpoopyhead September 18, 2016

got them drawls

you got some pussy

Man, remember that girl at the bar last night? I got them drawls.

by TMonee123 February 11, 2018