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same same but different

Used a lot in Thailand, especially in an attempts to sell something but can mean just about anything depending on what the user is trying to achieve.

Q "Is this a real rolex?"
A " Yes Sir, same same but different"

by Kiwicito September 13, 2004

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Built-different syndrome

When a man is suddenly stricken with the urge to wear shorts in a blizzard

Person 1: look at Jeff over there! He must be freezing.

Person 2: he woke up with a bad case of built-different syndrome this morning.

by trixiespinkytoe March 26, 2021

different pot of gravy

Outstanding, nothing like it.

That geezers mustard! Different pot of gravy

by G3ORGE April 2, 2017

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I'm Built Different

A Male Adult or Teen with Transexual tendencies but can't afford surgery or can also have Homosexual thoughts without action which he uses the phrase ( Im Built Different) semi aggressively.

Friend 1-Yooo check out that female her ass is thick right.
Friend 2 responded - Naw bruh

Friend 1- Your crazy she's banging.
Friend 2- I'm Built Different BRUH.

Parent- Aren't you going to eat Son?
Son- I don't eat.

Parent- Well you got to eat something.

Son- I told you I don't eat IM BUILT DIFFERENT.

by Dr. Makesdollars June 9, 2023

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that's a different bucket of chicken

An expression used to explain two seemingly similar things that are actually two different things all together.

Fried chicken recipes are numerous, and almost common in all cultures, but quite unique from one another. KFC, a common chain globally dealing in fried chicken, buckets chicken.

Sometimes you want extra tasty crispy, but the bucket is actually original blend. You'd want to know that's a different bucket of chicken before diving in.

Using this same thought process, we can make an analogous comparison to other seemingly similar things that might actually be quite different entirely.

You like star wars right? You hear there's a new star trek movie coming out? I mean, yea, but that's a different bucket of chicken my man.

by lotekness May 27, 2021

Team Difference Syndrome

Every year, millions of League Of Legends and other gamers suffer from "Team Difference Syndrome"; thinking that their opposing team, though equal in rank according to the ladder and queue, is somehow way better than their current performing team. They often blame bad luck in the queue and say things like "ri0t fix your shi game". This usually ends with the worst performing player on the losing team talking smack in chat, flaming his allies, telling them they suck and to "Kys" and requesting a team surrender at the earliest possible convenience; Sometimes they'll pepper in a few racial slurs for good measure. Most Team Difference Syndrome sufferers give up long before the game is over and convince themselves of the shortcomings of their allies way before the game is actually lost; they refuse to try to win and simply give up trying. Often if they are killed once or twice they will ragequit and simply disconnect; Some of the worst offenders even resort to cheating because, they theorize, the "game is unbalanced".

ally 1. Guys forfeit at 15:00 their top lane is outperforming, their bottom lane is wrecking, their midlaner is winning lane, and look at their jungle difference yo! <Disconnects>
ally 2. He must be suffering from TDS: Team Difference Syndrome ...

by HighWarlordWarlock November 15, 2020

You hit different

Your not like others your very perfect

Look at my picture

Nah Iโ€™m not gone lie you hit different

by Messy223 December 28, 2019

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