Only acceptable when said like Rick James, Avenue of the Titties is another term for Avenue of the Cities, a major thoroughfare located in Moline, IL.
The exit for Avenue of the Titties is coming up in one mile.
A bar game that traces its origin to Edinburgh. To be more exact, the game originated in Whistlebinkies bar, located just off the Royal Mile.
To play the game, you must place a pint glass in the middle of a table and have contestants sit around said table. You must use an sticky tit which can be acquired from bathroom vending machines alongside condoms and inflatable sheep. Contestants must then toss the tit to the ceiling, allowing it to deflect off the ceiling and land in the pint glass. If you fail to do so, the person next to you has a go, and so on until a person wins. The winner then has his/her name written on a pint glass with nail polish.
If the tit lands on the rim of the pint glass (a rim job), the person who made that throw gets to try again.
Rough shift, who’s up for Titty in the Middle?
When one or both of a females breasts come out by accident
Hey check that bitch out! Shes poppin a titty!
A strip club serving lots of titties along with chicken tikka masala
Singh: Bro let's go to the titty garden
Near: Bro do they have chicken tikka masala??
Singh: Of course bro!! Lots of them bro tikka tikka tikka
when you roll up in the strip club and the stripper has chest hair
Jack: Yo bro did you see the size of dem titties?
John: No man they were covered by her titty bush :(
Whenever you walk into a crazy party, and there are tons of girls with huge tits just flying all over the place!
Guy 1: "I was at the riots last night, and it was a fucking titty tornado!"
Guy 2: "I love titty tornadoes"