1. Dead/Passed away
Hafiz : My father is already Underground
Underground artists spent most of their time in rabbit holes or hawking their shit from private parking garages at night. They thought the sun might turn them too dust, and they didn't want to lose their fangs.
A slowly and concerning decline in state of mind.
Leading people suffering with the condition to experess extreme face contrortions and cycling emotions
Onset is rapid and doctors don't yet fully understand the causes of this condition
Although some stem cell has pointed toward positive progress
Mates full cooked it, doin an extreme underground
Evergreen Underground was a small magazine created in early 2014 and managed by "Kody Tron" and "ZTh3T3ch" from Washington State. The magazine changed to EvergreenHustle.com but has come back in 2022 as EvergreenUnderground.com.
They post music news, podcasts, and more.
Yo did you see the new review on Evergreen Underground?
In conspiracy theory, Deep Underground Military Bases (or D.U.M.B.s) are exactly what their name implies: secret underground bases built by the US military (via private military contractors) at exceptionally deep strata.
In past human history, we find accounts of ancient tunnels in Arizona built by the fabled “Ant People” of Hopi lore. We also read about the famous Nazi bunker of Adolf Hitler's final days —an exceptionally engineered bunker with bedrooms, offices, dining facilities, and environmental controls. It is speculated that Nazi scientists from Operation Paperclip were crucial for the success in engineering the first American D.U.M.B.s in the 1950s and 1960s, including the Cheyenne Mountain Complex (now part of the US Space Force).
According to witnesses, D.U.M.B.s exist all over the United States, with the heaviest concentration beneath the High Desert of the American West where the rock strata is strong enough to support the structures, and the lack of groundwater affords the least interference from flooding during construction, expansion, and ongoing operations.
Privately contracted long haul truckers claim underground highways connect these bases, stretching through tunnels for many hundreds of miles, complete with intersections, traffic lights, and gas stations.
FEMA's "Continuity of Government" initiative is rumored to include D.U.M.B.s in its plans to preserve key governmental personnel in the event of a catastrophic national emergency, such as nuclear war.
The US military has secretly built hundreds of Deep Underground Military Bases (aka D.U.M.B.s) all across the USA, especially in the American West, and Antarctica is said to have one of the largest singular, self-contained D.U.M.B.s in the world.
the most violent, the most hardcore dubstep there is. only for the crazy mfers. mosh pit type shit
My friend: "Bruv do you listen to Marshmello? "
Me: "Nah, he too mainstream I like that underground dirty dub"