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To be in-decisive. To wander back and forth across a playing field.

"We might have won that game (an RTS style game) if we hadn't waffled back and forth across the playing field."

-I chose to answer the cries for help and leave my fortified position to help another player, then after defeating that threat, was called again to help the 3rd player (on the other side of the board) with thinned forces. The losing battle wiped me out and eventually we all lost the game. I blamed the loss on "waffling back and forth." If we had each been able to defend our positions, we might have won!

by ZachP April 10, 2008

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To motorboat, or waffle, some testicles.

You waffle that shit.

by Clintosarus Rex September 25, 2008

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A waffle is a summer camp prank that requires several people to execute. The wafflee is restrained while a tennis racket is pressed firmly on his stomach. Then a coarse brush is violently applied to the area. When the racket is lifted the red and white grid impression resembles a tasty breakfast treat.

Dear Mom and Dad: Camp is fun, but two nights ago my bunkmates gave me the worst waffle. Last night, just as a joke, I set my bunk on fire and barricaded the door from the outside so I guess we're even.

by Obamessiah August 19, 2009

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another term for male genitalia

my waffle itches this will get me up to twenty letters and three words

by anonoymous726389 October 19, 2004

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To be an indecisive prick who keeps going back and forth on the issues and not being man enough to take a firm stance.

John Kerry is the king baby!

John Kerry waffles on every single goddamn issue!

by fuck that guy...he's a pussy! September 5, 2004

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Waffling Is what happens to your butt when you sit in a beach chair for an extended amount of time.

Look at the Waffeling on that chicks ass.

by Tom Galyean August 27, 2004

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Term used for someone who is astheticly challenged. Comes from the word ugly and the Eggo waffle. Ugly > Uggo > Eggo > Waffle.

Your girlfriend is a real waffle, man.

by Jordan Ranson February 23, 2005

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