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oliver walker

The hottest mf you'll ever meet, they're super funny and adorable and cute. You couldn't imagine a life without them, they'll make you laugh when you're not in a good mood. They can make your day better just by being in their presence. They'll be the best person you ever meet. Though they dont like coffee in furnaces, but everytime you talk them you'll never be able to stop smiling AND THEYRE SMILES SO ADORABLE youll just wanna throw a brick at them. They'll always be there for you no matter what. And you should cherish them forever.

Definition of Oliver walker:the coolest mf.

by swag_otter October 14, 2022

Weenie Walker

When people who walk on sidewalks pump their arms as if they were running.

Person 1: Do you see that dude over there on the sidewalk?
Person 2: Yeah, he's a total weenie walker.

by Equius Zahhak April 9, 2013

Cock Walker

Someone who walks with their cock thrust out for all to see. Dragging their feet and generally being a douche bag.

Isn't that Steve?
Yeah, he's a cock walker
What a douche.

by Natural Swagger October 28, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boogie walker

an in-valid who cannot properly control their motor functions whilst walking.
They could also be a spinny biff.

look at that spaz go, a proper boogie walker

by blah blah blah blah x10 September 8, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


In Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, "aim-walking" is seen as one of the most devious forms of cheating. It usually involves, but is not limited to aiming down the iron sights or scope of your weapon while moving. In some circles "aim-walking" is seen as an aspect of the game the developers meant to include, but some of the most hardcore members of the fan-base believes its use is limited to "noobs" and "try-hards".

Player 1: I can't believe he killed me again! (Views killcam) Oh goddammit, he's an aim-walker.
(After the match is completed)
Player 1: You're such a fucking try-hard you faggot. I can't believe you were fucking aim-walking.
Player 2: What do you mean? I was just playing the game.
Player 1: Fuck you

by xXJR805FORLIFEXx February 23, 2010

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Dave Walker

A species of male whom is ambidextrous and lank. Tends to be of the Australian variety yet is commonly mistaken for a stereotypical German boy.

Have you seen Dave Walker recently? 'Who? That German kid?' No, no, he's an Aussie!

by ENels October 24, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

jon walker

the guy who replaced brent wilson in panic! at the disco.

When Brent Wilson left P!ATD, Jon Walker relplaced him.

by Peterface May 26, 2006

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