A man who is tooken advantage by other men, basically a pussy ass nigga.
Guy #1 "Ay bro u gotta dub I can borrow"
Guy #2 "Yeah here you go"
Guy #1 "Ay lemme get ride homie I'll give u gas money"
Guy #2 "Nah dont worry bout it bro hop in I got u"
Guy #1 cousin " U headed to the store?"
Guy #1 "Yeah, what u want?"
Why #1 cousin "Get me a pack of honey bourbon backwoods"
Guy #1 "Man I ain't got no money, oh hold on Ima let that yuppy ass nigga buy em for me"
Cool way of saying yup, also used by hipp teenagers
Person: I see you got the new fortnite update
Me: yuppies
Spoiled brats or puppies karaoke disco kids in Colombo who have no patriotism 99% so called hip cool gals & babes or simply trash !!!
I'm sure these reports wont be read by kudu kolombian yuppies
The word yuppies is a way of saying yup or yeah, if you wanna sound lit
Fuck boii: wanna come over
Thot: yuppies
A yuppy is someone who lives a city lifestyle and tries to act country is some ways bet gets bullied by the redneck kids
“Look at that yuppy trying to back up a trailer”
Another word for “yes”, “yup”, “yea”, “yep”
Person 1: “are you having fun?”
Person 2: “yuppies”
another word for “yup” or “yep”
person 1: are you going to the movies saturday
person 3: yuppies