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A man who is tooken advantage by other men, basically a pussy ass nigga.

Guy #1 "Ay bro u gotta dub I can borrow"
Guy #2 "Yeah here you go"
Guy #1 "Ay lemme get ride homie I'll give u gas money"
Guy #2 "Nah dont worry bout it bro hop in I got u"
Guy #1 cousin " U headed to the store?"
Guy #1 "Yeah, what u want?"
Why #1 cousin "Get me a pack of honey bourbon backwoods"
Guy #1 "Man I ain't got no money, oh hold on Ima let that yuppy ass nigga buy em for me"

by TurbanG4ng100 March 30, 2019


Cool way of saying yup, also used by hipp teenagers

Person: I see you got the new fortnite update

Me: yuppies

by Bolin July 4, 2018


Spoiled brats or puppies karaoke disco kids in Colombo who have no patriotism 99% so called hip cool gals & babes or simply trash !!!

I'm sure these reports wont be read by kudu kolombian yuppies

by a yuppie September 24, 2021


The word yuppies is a way of saying yup or yeah, if you wanna sound lit

Fuck boii: wanna come over
Thot: yuppies

by Pepe the racist chinchilla December 15, 2017


A yuppy is someone who lives a city lifestyle and tries to act country is some ways bet gets bullied by the redneck kids

“Look at that yuppy trying to back up a trailer

by REDNECKMUHFO March 26, 2022


Another word for “yes”, “yup”, “yea”, “yep

Person 1: “are you having fun?”
Person 2: “yuppies

by Paxsionfruit June 18, 2018


another word for “yup” or “yep

person 1: are you going to the movies saturday

person 3: yuppies

by Paxsionfruit June 17, 2018