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George Bush

A president who's secretly trying to be a dictator through every tiny step.

And gonna get a lot of people killed(bigger than 9/11)if he's elected. Man,he went to war on Iraq for "our" oil.

by Sailor Earth November 2, 2004

123๐Ÿ‘ 248๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

Man who:

Apparently never graduated third grade.

Is a puppet for his father.

Stole an election with the help of his brother.

Stole an election, though no voting citizen knows how.

Stole the lives of thousands of Americans.

Stole the lives of thousands of Iraqi's.

Looks like a monkey.

Acts like a monkey.

Likes to throw terrorist families dinner partys in the White House.

Likes to say "Its hard work. Hard, hard, hard work".

Sounds like a kindergartner trying to read.

Doesn't give a shit about the country, only about his daddys war.

Is the worst president in the history of the United States.

Turned the US into the laughing stock of the world.

Turned the US into the enemy of the world.

BUT----- Most of all, he is just a big freakin liar.

George Bush is a lying, cheating, hypocritical moron who is nothing but a puppet bought into office to finish up his daddys oil war from 10 years ago

by Cheryce October 28, 2006

84๐Ÿ‘ 165๐Ÿ‘Ž

George Bush

A term meaning, stupid, retarted, numbnutted, fucktarted, one of the stupidest people to ever walk this earth, backstabber, you dont know shit, you ruin peoples lives.

Stop being such a fucking George Bush

by Shmaylaaa November 1, 2006

89๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

hi im a george bush,the biggest terrrorist ,i invade iraq 4 his oil only i kill many ppl there. isnt it gr8 tell me havent i terrorize ppl,i got wtc colloapsed and blame it on osama isnt it great so am i not terrorizer really im a real wicked perosn who only wants worldly benifits isnt it true

george bush is the biggests terrorist

by gothic baby October 15, 2006

82๐Ÿ‘ 165๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

world most dagerous terrorist

who kills arabs? george bush dose

by tatertots00 November 24, 2006

81๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

one who risks human life over oil and trying to rule a nation by force of goverment on alian nations (see hitler, king george etc)commits crimes like drunk driving, coke sniffin and rigging elections. No military servace except for AWOL from coast guard, vice president has more military service(see bird shot) Actually not born a texan.

(Republican) George bush and his Nucular wepons rule

(Democrat) Are you kidding SHE sucks dildos in hell and deserves to have a spiked water melon shoved up his vagina in hell! Its nuCLEAR by the way

(R)God loves him you fool!(Earth opens up and devil hand castrates republican)

by kevdude April 17, 2006

83๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

before he was president he started out in the national gaurd and then quikly moved to the oil buisnness where he did realy poorly in and often drove all his companys in the ground. Bush then decide he would try and do better in politics.when he became govenor of texas he became famous for destroying the education system he also met with taliban representives to discuss oil most likely. Other then that he didnt do much as govenor. when he became president the first thing that happened to the nation was the the biggest ression since the great depression.
then after 9/11 he invaded afghanstan with only 15,000 troops although the army was succesfull in getting the tailiban out of afghanstan it failed in acheving its primary objective and that was to capture Osma binladen. Smart and itelligent people and exspecialy the Democrats pointed out that afghanstan was a failure. Most americans though were just happy to see the U.S win another war. This would be one of the many factors bush would use to his advantage in his political campain even though the mission in afghanstan was incomplete. Any president would have done the same and could have made the same mistake but what bush did next ripped the country apart. Without permission of the U.N and the support of france,germany and every other country with a modern army except britian an intionaly spain(who eventuly pulled out).The iraq army was easly deafeted and no wmds were found even worse the 30,000 that had gone in were not enough thus the army activated it reserve and gaurd units who were ill prepaired. the occupation went from bad to worse and many americans and an uncounted Iraqis have perished. After bush had won re-election runnig on the same powerfull political machine the republicans he moved election dates up in Iraq by himself with that same stubborn attitude with succesful results.He also is currently thinking of getting rid of an economic safety net called social securty and turning it into an investmen plan where people have to go it alone in the stock market to make money when they retire. Although it sounds like a good idea its been pointed out that learnig to invest is realy hard and something based on luck another thing his britian did this in the 80,s and now have the worse pension plans in the world.

none needed.read about the great deprsesion if want to see why its not a good idead to have people investing who shouldnt.

by johnyhoff March 5, 2005

123๐Ÿ‘ 263๐Ÿ‘Ž