Source Code

Jojo Pose

When engaging in masturbation, the individual proceeds to enter a stance similar to that of the iconic pose from JoJos Bizarre Adventures. There is a slight bend in the knees, an exaggerated lean backwards, and tight glutes.

*Warning* This pose, when held for long periods of time, can lead to extreme muscle soreness as the accumulation of sweat in the form of a puddle around the feet so remain diligent and so not slip.(I have done that).

You-"Damn bro I'm mad sore in my glutes"
Friend-"What did you do for that to happen?"
You-"When I was beatin last night, I struck and held the Jojo Pose for 2 and a half hours(Real story)

by Bootylickinboi September 20, 2023

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JoJoe Biden

A political meme referring to the president of the US Joe Biden very similar to Pepe the Frog.

Somebody: "Yo, have you seen that meme about the old pervert Joe Biden?"

Somebody 2: "Yeah, thats JoJoe Biden striking again"

by Shrekobssesedfanatic19998346 February 6, 2022

jojo hairline

Something that not straight

Jay:have u seen jojo hairline

Josian: u mean that thing that not straight

by Whyisyougay June 23, 2021

Jojo Phobia

The extreme fear of JoJo Siwa. (Scary)

Aiden developed a JoJo Phobia after repetitive sessions of listening to her music on blast.

by Bakado January 29, 2022

Jojo reference

a jojo reference is a thing band kids in 8th grade say in an attempt to be funny

joe: yea i really am enjoying this resturant
unfunny fuckface retard: Is tHaT a JOjo RefErenCe???!!!

by Kyroz March 15, 2022

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coco and jojo

When a man and woman are brought together by a set of unusual and cosmic circumstances such as cat scratch fever, anemia, sweat lodges, the love of nature, small southern towns and the number 23.

So when you met, was it like a Coco and Jojo thing or what?

I want to fall in love Coco and Jojo style.

I'll be your Coco if you will be my Jojo

by cocojoco September 9, 2010

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Jojo Binay

verb. to steal in an obvious fashion but will insist denial. See plunder

Your goal is to Jojo Binay a necklace with a red gem on it.

by absolute_wanker September 2, 2016

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