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Power Couple

A couple that controls all the power, a couple who together are like super heros

Whoa, Chandler and Niko are a power couple

by oh.. hello February 6, 2015

44πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

Couple Goals

Courtney and Eloise

Oh my goodness, Courtney and Eloise are such couple goals

by QueendomAppreciation June 4, 2020

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


MY DEFINITION OF A "POWER COUPLE" : They're one in the eyes of the law and God, first and foremost.
The true power couple are always trying to please one another & make him/her smile ; leaving no room for outside influence or interference- Equally as important to the other - Faithful loyal and honest- They push the other to be and to do their very best ( careful not to exceed limits-) . The POWER COUPLE Love each other "unconditionally" . Theydont point fingers at each other but instead try to find a compromise.
The "Power-Couple" works hard to keep their love and trust alive - they do NOT waver . They go through the storm and learn from it. They work at using the "down" time and/or disagreements ,mistakes as energy to make their marriage stronger. They don't give up not leave when times are hard . They push through with all they are untill their bond is even stronger than before!

Husb.&Wife : "We are my favorite POWER COUPLE ,sweetheart."

by JayRinaz November 9, 2017

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Cute couples

R+ j is the cutest couple if you break them up they will come for you.They are kinda shy but still love each other and make each other happy there gonna stay together forever

Hailey:who is that?
Jayden:that’s my girlfriend she’s really hot c
Cute couples

by I don’t even knwo November 17, 2019

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couple walking

in high school, when a couple walks through the halls, holding hands and looking lovingly at each other, they tend to walk at a speed that makes anyone stuck behind them want to gouge their eyes out. this is called couple walking.
(can also apply to non-couples walking together in the halls at a way below average pace, such as fat girls or teachers)

Caitlin: dude, why were you late for class?
Jessie: i got caught behind dylan and carly couple walking! god, they go about as fast as a pair of fucking turtles.

by jesserz92 May 7, 2008

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had a couple

adj. To have consumed more than one alcoholic drink.

(also see "had a few.")

Wife: Have you been drinking?
Me: I've had a couple.

by Burper1957 August 30, 2014

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sweatpants couple

A pair of people who have been dating so long that they no longer care how they look, and therefore wear sweatpants everywhere; often associated with a near-inseparable couple that doesn't seem entirely happy.

"Tom and Jane are no fun to hang out with anymore, they've kind of turned into a sweatpants couple"

by SammyJB May 1, 2010

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