A gray sheep from Pewdiepie’s Minecraft let’s plays. Water Sheep was thought to be a bringer of tragedy and death,but after Water Sheep’s tragic death Felix
began to mourn his passing.
Pewdiepie has made a water temple and a grave in honor of Water Sheep, and continues to grieve Water Sheep’s death every episode.
PEWDS: ah.. Water Sheep...
he was like a father to me.
people who complain about tips.. when the only tip they need is to find a career and better education, or join the military if they want money.
lmao the pizza guy asked for some tip and i told that Civilian Sheep to find a better job hahah kids dont be 40 and working a 16 year old kids job
Mafia terminology that refers to wacking a guy. No, not like the sexual term, we mean killing a guy.
Anthony: Aye Eddie, ya give Herman his sheep's trenchcoat?
Eddie: Yes, the finest in town, but in a killing way because I killed him real good.
Anthony's Wife: Anthony are you out handing out sheep's trenchcoats again?
Anthony: Yes wife that I have.
Wife: Well done husband of mine I love you by the way.
A person who is being fucked or manipulated unknowingly despite their sensing that something is wrong.
An extension to the word "sheeple" ("sheep" plus "people"): Those who follow trends blindly, or those who follow their shepherd and flock mindlessly. But in the case of "sheep hole" they follow blindly despite getting fucked.
I accept that the people at this firm are sheeple, but Marie's team in particular turned out to be real sheep holes.
1. Someone who kills sheep for fun.
2. A lying cheating male who routinely goes after a girlfriends friends.
Man, that guy is a total sheep killer. We shouldn't even talk to him.
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