When one partner in a relationship is so self confident it causes the other partner to have crippling insincerity’s.
The Teresa affect is when someone in a relationship has so much confidence it makes there partner think someone else was boosting there confidence and they are cheating.
When a person clears a firearm, be it real or prop, and pulls the trigger later, firing off a round. This is known as The Baldwin Affect.
Many believe that the ghost of Alexander Rae Baldwin Sr. Is to blame. Some say he follows Alec everywhere attwmpting to load unloaded guns that Alec is going to handle. Reports have shown that the ghost of Alec's grandfather is very angry with him for being gay. Which is perfectly fine, you know.
While it is not necessary for a fatality to occur during The Baldwin Affect. It is encouraged.
Person 1: "I don't know how that gun could have gone off! It's got to be the gun!"
Person 2: "Or a ghost! Did your papaw know you were gay before he died?"
Person 1: "what does that have to do with anything?!"
Person 2: "I think you just got rizzed by tmThe Baldwin Affect, my dude."
the turtleneck affect is when any man buys a turtle neck, once a man puts a turtle neck on he will start using lotion,washing his hands,getting his nails done,doing his eyebrows, etc. fellas if you see a man wearing a turtle neck do not hesitate to take that shit off of him. the prime example of the turtleneck affect is drake.
hey man, have you seen that john has been using lostion ever since he bought that turtleneck?
yeah bro it’s the turtleneck affect
what’s that?
the turtleneck affect is when a guy buys a turtleneck and he starts washing his hands,using lotion etc.
The sid affect is the affect of when you(the cassie of the real world) found you “sid “ it never words out in the end but you’re unbearably in love through and within it.
Hey, what happens to that girl over there?
Oh, she’s going through the sid affect