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Snowflake intellectual

A person pretending to be an intellectual, usually a politician, who don't have the meats to stand up for their political point of view when it really matters, as in an intellectual argument.

A snowflake intellectual can often become angry, apoplectic and even verbally abusive when they feel threatened in an intellectual debate or when someone tries to challenge their point of view.

by Sexydimma May 28, 2021

Intellectual masturbation

A conversation with the purpose of confirming or showing off both parties' knowledge in a certain field, without providing new leads or ideas.

They kept jerking each other's brain off in that round of intellectual masturbation about algorithms optimization.

by SollyDMonkey July 4, 2022

Intellectual Gambling

Flipping ginormous insurance fund (which was built up by forcefully liquidating crypto traders over the years) into legacy markets to buy stonks.

Arthur Hayes: Locked down, time to engage in some intellectual gambling.

Crypto Twitter: You got this King!

by Cryptochimp April 15, 2020

Intellectual Juggernaught

Anybody who is a member of the Flaxton Book Club. They are really smart!

Hey look, there's Stanley! he's an Intellectual Juggernaught!

by frozen doberman March 31, 2020

intellectual thug

McLuhan wrote it in a letter to Ezra Pound in 1951
h t t p (circular punctuationz) // w w w (circular punctuation) mcluhanonmaui (circular punctuation) com /2011/03/ x-ray-vision (circular punctuation) html

I am an intellectual thug who has been slowly accumulating a
private arsenal with every intention of using it.

by McLuhan Videos September 29, 2020

cloacialtistic intellectualism

The misuse of intilect to sound smarter than you are

Cloacialtistic intellectualism
The misuse of intilect to sound smarter than you are
"I have a extenuary library of books on human behavioralism in my den"

by Kypke 1 September 10, 2022


The "intellectual" way to say "Smartass/smart-aleck/smartypants

A: This guy is sorta pseudo-intellectual

B: Just say it as smartass, tho

by Sir. B September 19, 2020