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what you call your friend's when they think they're smart, or they are just retarded

Person 1: the earth is flat!
Person 2: Shut the fuck up you Asshat.

by Lil_Ligma November 28, 2018


Asshat is another word for Asshole. It's very useful for creative insults.

Go get a life asshat.

by Samuelm890 January 7, 2024


A true douchebag worse than an asshole probably the type of person to have a comb over

He parked I'm a handicapped parking spot what an asshat

by swegyoloz November 19, 2013


a shrude talking hat that shouts mean names

Hat: Yo B-otch your a nasty
Woman: :'( your an asshat!

by HuggiePanda July 25, 2008


a dumb looking hat that looks like an ass
key example is this guy |



"my fucking god u are an asshat

by ellis_is_super_fucking_cool1 March 24, 2021


The act of resembling a condom which has been used in the process of ass penetration.

Which or may not have been in gay anal sex.

Ie: Dirty asshat.

Ex: "Dude...don't be such an asshat"

by 13blackcats December 18, 2008


A synonym for asshole.
A person that doesn’t consider the results of their actions.
Could be considered as a hypocrite with a narcissistic personality.

WOW ! Your friend is such an asshat !!

You are an asshat of note.

by Poison ivy February 7, 2018