Someone who is doing it different every single day. Doesn’t play by the rules. And is obviously in the Logang
@Logan Paul Vlogs
Logan Paul is a maverick (and so is his bird)
Someone who doesn’t follow the rules and isn’t scared of the rule they are about to break. A celebrity once said,”when they go right we go left.”
He is a savage and a maverick cause he doesn’t play by he rules
Maverick has one of the best penis you can have. If he doesn’t, he’s not meant to be Maverick! He is a flustering guy who always knows how to impress a woman. He’s a great friend who will never judge you and will always stick by you unless you cross him. Usually has anger problems and he’ll swing on you with no hesitation.
“Have you seen how handsome Maverick is???”
“oh yes, the one with the big dick!! he’s my favourite!”
maverick is normal a sex offecner and love big dick in he ass
he as gay as maverick
a people with an tiny pp and have never cum or someone ever seen this tiny pp and have a bad youtube channel and need to get a life and he LOVE man
person a: your pp is bigger then Maverick
person b: everyone pp is bigger then mavericks
a girl who enjoys pleasure in seeing male on male action
veronica had two boyfriends she enjoyed seeing kiss she was maverick hungry for me
Anybody with a low enough IQ to enjoy Logan Paul's videos.