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if someone has the following characteristics they are most likely a boomer:
- between 30-75 years
- white
- hates millennials
- “when I was your age” “back in the day”
- complains about modern day everything
- can’t take a joke

boomer (or ok boomer) is often used as a response to trigger boomers when they’re being annoying/ their regular old selves

Example 1:

Kyle: I cant believe mr. George is making us write a 20 page essay again

Jessica: I know right! What a fucking boomer

Example 2:

Some oldie: i dont understand you kids and those silly devices that brainwash you! Go outside!

Intellectual: ok boomer

by triviasunmi November 17, 2019

1👍 5👎


A fat fuck who can't keep his food down. He seems to be unable to move any faster than a snail due to his immense weight, much in the same way as Ian McNiece. The reason for the inability to stop spewing mimics the reaction we all get when we are forced to watch High School Musical. Of course, some people have these spewing reactions regardless.

Man 1 spews
MAN 2: It's Boomer!

by mrpompyelliotandhisfriends November 16, 2010

1👍 5👎

boomer comic

a very short comic strip on a newspaper made by old people for old people.
its major meaning is to make jokes about millennials, young kids, cellphones, or any minority (LGBT+, liberals, etc). instead of adapting to modern life and growing as a society boomers poke fun, complain, and get overly angry about the changes in society. one way they distract themselves with the fake that the world of changing is by making comics in a disgusting drawing style, mostly with pear-shaped heads and big noses, making fun of everyone other than themselves.


two boys in a kid's library
(some books behind them are: Harry Potter and the climate change deniers, growing up in a world run by corporations, and a kids guide to propaganda)
(BOY1 is holding a Dr Seuss book upside down)
BOY2: I think those are broken websites. No matter how many times you click the pictures, nothing happens.

by wrgbvrr December 9, 2019

Boomer remover

The coronavirus.

Millenials and Gen Z- *are dying from homelessness, depression, mass shootings, not being able to pay for healthcare, etc.*
Boomers- That sounds like a you problem.
Millenials and Gen Z- Coronavirus is just boomer remover.


by oofwhy March 15, 2020

244👍 33👎

Baby Boomer

Older generation that act like toddlers with too much power.

That baby boomer missed the early bird meal, pitched a tantrum, and drove his town car into the side of the building.

by Jtrock712 November 8, 2020

35👍 1👎

Feral boomer

When baby boomers engage in behavior that is chaotic, unbridled, and typically illogical. It usually is a sign of boomer senility and can be very entertaining.

Grandpa: "Nancy Pelosi is a bitch! I can't wait to see Bitch Pelosi's face when the impeachment against Trump fails LMAO"
Guy #1: "Wtf is up with my grandpa?"
Guy #2: "He's entering feral boomer mode right now."

by YeeCop April 3, 2020

Hoofer Boomer

Prominent section of British football fans who believe foreign influences and analytical advancements will destroy the purity of the game they believe they own and control

Have you heard those hoofer boomers saying England should have played a flat 4-4-2 with DCL and Kane?

by The Proverbial August 5, 2021