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1 2 3 4 i spy a camel toe

Something you say when you spot a camel toe, usually said by a group of lads. It is funnier and has more effect than saying just camel toe

Lad A) 1 2 3 4 i spy a camel toe
Lad B) Where :O
Lad A) There !
Lad B) Lol

by The Camels Toe April 18, 2009

15👍 16👎

Back Donor Camel Toe

Where the bum is big and shapely enough to give the outline of a camel toe if the girl doesn't have one to begin with. Usage

"Damn my eyes blurred and I though it was camel toe, but she is dummy thicc! Clear case of Back Donor Camel Toe!"

by CMeRolling March 3, 2024

Kentucky Camel Toe

When you walk around with a huge wedgie that looks like a camel toe in the ass.

Rand Paul's ill fitting pants pulled him a wedgie that looks just like a camel toe. The first Kentucky Camel Toe on the media is a gift from their Senator Rand Paul.

by sabres4jeff September 9, 2021

camel toe highway

A picturesque pathway along the Gold Coast.

Where the common insta babe hikes there Lycra so far up there minge a camel toe is formed. They are usually holding an iced oat latte with honey while taking selfies.

"Just went for a walk along the Camel toe highway so many camels getting around"

by GC_Camelhunter December 12, 2022

pernicious camel toe

1.anatomical feature in some females of the human species whereby their genitals overhang the boundaries of their clothing, causing damage to the crotch region of their pants.

2. camel toe} so obnoxiouly obvious that you can't help to stare (see Lady Gaga})

If it weren't for her pernicious camel toe, she wouldn't have to buy new jeans every 3 months.

by El on Wheels April 5, 2010

Camel Toe

When your wearing leggings and your vagina makes a pubis form that looks like a camels toe. These fucking suck

omg look at Becky's Camel Toe that's disgusting.

by Slurrr Pei July 15, 2017


literally a camel's toe idk what to tell you

Guy 1: Hey have you seen that camel?
Guy 2: Yeah, its camel-toes are big.

by Shiny Overqwil June 11, 2023