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The country where they film the best show in the world... Degrassi

Canada is the most awsomest place in the world... let's go watch Degrassi

by Barbie0822 July 26, 2005

41👍 62👎


The US's hat.

US: Its kinda chilly out. I guess I'll wear my Canada today.

by pandawa February 7, 2010

14👍 17👎


The best Country that you can live in.

Bro Canada is the best country there is.

by noahmoneykiller May 17, 2022



Person 1: Canada
Person 2: Yes

by SupAsiaCoolie September 25, 2020


A place to blame all your problems on.

P1: "Should be blame the government?"
P2: "Or blame society?"
P2: "Or should we blame the images on TV?"
P4: "No! Blame Canada!"

by BumbleBay January 25, 2022

3👍 1👎


A country that’s north of America. It’s second largest in the world after Russia.

Person 1: What’s the second largest country in the world?
Person 2: It’s Canada.

by InterstateDriver May 1, 2019


Some mythical place that is supposedly above 'Merica. They say that they drink maple syrup on everything and love poutine.They love to ride moose or they call them meese. There national anthem is probably about maple syrup.There national animal is something that is called a beaver that ma exist we are not fully sure. They say that they are very kind and will have battles at the grocery store for who will pay. they say eh or a depending on which story you believe. they celebrate Thanksgiving on a different day then 'Merica, and said to be the second largest country.

Guy:1 "yo have u heard of the legend of Canada?
Guy:2 no what is it

Guy:1 it is a myth about a country above us. let me tell you about the myth.

by Daggermaster9900 December 6, 2018