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Carpet Wiper

Wiping your rusty sheriff's badge like a maniac after a nice solid bowel movement. Instead of using small strokes to ensure a clean behind, a carpet wiper makes multiple aggressive passes with the same TP. It makes a similar sound to cleaning a carpet stain.

This guy at the office makes me uncomfy when I hear him wipe. He's a carpet wiper for sure & I'm concerned about the status of his balloon knot.

by Smooth Oper8or March 9, 2020

Carpet Cunt

Noun: A woman whose vaginal pubic hair is thorn-like (prickly), thereby inducing a fiery, rugburn like effect on the penis.

"fuck man"
"I should have listened to you. I fucked the shit out of that carpet cunt last night."
"So her prickly bush gave my dick some fucked up rug burn"

by Doorman2k11 October 27, 2011

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carpet mouth

That feeling of a dirty mouth that you have when you wake up from a night in which your mouth was open while you slept, causing it to be dry. It feels like something fuzzy has crawled into your mouth and teeth.

I woke up with carpet mouth.

by myusikah April 18, 2010

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Tea Carpeting

Verb: When a girl with a massively unshaven bikini area puts her lady parts in your face, similar to "Tea bagging" in males.

My girlfriend was getting frisky and surprised me during "No shave November" by full on Tea Carpeting me

by Salty17 November 19, 2012

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carpet trimmer

A person who grooms or shaves pubic hair, normally performed on another person.

Misty is an excellent carpet trimmer who never nicks her subjects.

by Dean July 27, 2003

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carpet bagel

An obnoxious or contemptible person, a douche bag. One that has no fucking clue as to what they are doing, but think they do. These individuals are very often Hypocrites.

1. That Democrat is such a carpet bagel.

by naciremalaerA July 10, 2018

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carpet crawler

Crack Smoker, possibly of the middle-class, caucasian, club-going, loser variety. The people I heard use this expression won't actually use the word "crack", because - well...denial. It refers to the "end of the buzz" ritual of looking for leftovers to extend the party. Gross.

After Betty's Blue Star, we went to this after hours party, but it was full of carpet crawlers.

by Mr_Doodlebugg January 24, 2004

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