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CGP - Cheers Gets the Pussy

A compliment, used when something is exceptionally cool or awesome. Can also be used in the negative to identify something negative.

Origin: The common use of the greeting "Cheers!", when spoken with an English accent, seems to be very attractive to women. Many hook-ups have been cemented through the utterance of "Cheers!". The fact that an accent coupled with a single word could invoke such a strong reaction, is awesome. Therefore, CGP (or Cheers Gets the Pussy) is used when describing something very cool.

Positive: "Dude! That headshot in CS was totally CGP."

Negative: "Uggh, that new Carrot Top movie was un-CGP in every way."

by cRIPticon April 26, 2005

7👍 22👎

Cheering for the road team

A slang term for someone who's homosexual.

Look at the way that guy talks and acts, he must be cheering for the road team.

by Enko247 February 13, 2022

Hard Cheers

A hard cheers is defined as - The act of having a social cheers, then immediately after the participants drinking finish their drinks. Created by Ann Bruzewski ~ circa 2015

Well guys it’s time to go, hard cheers!

by Champsrus February 22, 2020

coastal xtreme cheer

a team that beats with one heart, team is filled with fun loving cheerleaders they are known for great tumblers and jumps.

did you hear coastal xtreme cheer is going to worlds again

by cheergrl80674567890 July 14, 2009

Feel Good Cheer

When someone who sucks at sports gets a good play, and everyone on their team goes crazy about it to make them feel good. Usually occurs when the person who sucks is on the team and the people don't want him to be. For example, in Physical Education.

Man, I hate it when someone who sucks gets a feel good cheer, why not just tell them they suck and let them hit good when they hit good.

by t12j19c95 June 9, 2009

Cheers, the discord team

What the Discord Support bot emails you when you send a request.

Discord Support Bot:

Hi yomama,

We just wanted to confirm that we have received your inquiry (123456789). You put time and effort into contacting us, so our Support Team will make sure we give your inquiry the attention it deserves.

Cheers, the discord team

by Spadon King May 16, 2022


A racial slur used towards indigenous Australians.

"Look at that Cheer. Useless welfare leech"

by AussieAborigine June 25, 2021