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slur collector

a person from any ethnicity, gender or sexuality (mostly yts) who change their identity every week to say and reclaim a different slur. it‘s giving thanos but morally deranged.

“guys im a ___ *says a slur*”
“no wait im a ___ now *says a slur*
” no guys i’m ___ *says a slur*
slur collector signs

by nyah o.0 September 6, 2022

Semen collector

A semen collector is someone who spunks on a piece of clothing instead of using a tissue or condom to clean up. This are usually young people who can't hold it in

"Agit is such a semen collector no wonder why he has white stuff coming from his pants

by Justhereforjokes September 19, 2016

Shit Collector

Someone who always looks at the shitty side of a situation.

Someone who can always spin something good into bad.

I was excited about my new job. But my girl started complaining about the uniforms. She’s a total shit collector

by Chapper27 July 20, 2023

collector’s fever

the state of mind in which one is compelled to collect a certain category of objects (e.x. game consoles, books, etc), and will dig through old things to find random objects ti add to their collection

Joey caught a bad case of collector’s fever, recently he asked me if he could dig through my old games.

by Phoenix the primagen September 4, 2022