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Copy grafting

It's soap grafting for copywriters. In advertising, it's an art of attaching a new "low-on-content" copy with an old "high-on-content" one to fool the client that the copy has been reworked.

It took be just five minutes in copy grafting a brochure. Re-drafting it would have taken weeks!

by Jarjunk April 10, 2010

the copy and paste/aesthetic apocalypse

basically it's this kpop stan wanting to move to north korea because "ramen" and "anime" and they dont even know how bad north korea is. they most likely will be wearing some straight black hair with the "beautiful hair for beautiful people" hair or the "clean spikes" ugc hair. in most circumstances, the predator will have black hair, but sometimes it may be brown. they usually have an outfit consisting of checkers and black and white colors, but if their slender left them, they then wear a black torn hoodie with bloody bandages to try and say "im depressed" and their body type is always going to be the woman package but with man legs to try and have an "attractive" look. i will now move onto the slenders, which have a body type that gave their species the name "slender" they usually are very tall with the "robloxian" package but with one leg that makes them even taller. they usually have the "clean spikes" ugc hair, or a bunch of hairs mixed together. they always have black hair, i've never seen one with any color other than that. other than the things ive listed about slenders, they aren't too different from the aesthetic/copy and paste girl.

"im apart of the copy and paste/aesthetic apocalypse-"

by April 16, 2021

Copy Refund

When you rob an ATM with your friends and counterfeit the money afterwards.

"Dude, me, Clark, and Mark just did a nice Copy Refund last sunday."
"Sweet! Count me in next time, or I'll pull a Devil's Pouch Maneuver on you!"

by sasasasasasasa123 February 29, 2020

Ledge copy

Written material (a few sentences or an entire paragraph) that has questionable worth in the larger scheme of the story, article, or blog post. Figuratively, the copy is standing on the ledge wondering whether it should "take the leap" or continue on with its existence.

"David thinks he is a great writer, but his writing rambles on and on with meaningless ledge copy. He should just get to the point."

by Bernard Snatchly October 3, 2013

Have a copy

I have a mental note or image of what has been said or seen

Sarah: come look at the pictures of Andy at my party last weekend
Wayne: yo I have a copy!

by Tee_campbell August 14, 2023

copy and paste

solves all ur problems

Guy 1: *Has depression.
Guy 2: Dude, just copy and paste it.

by *(◕ヮ◕)* September 22, 2020

Copy and Paste

2 different meanings

its either a dumbshit 3 year old drooling on their mom's ipad over some legos with 6 breadloafs on their chest in roblox, or CTRL + C, CTRL + V.

Hey bud, could you copy and paste that stuff into my DMs? Thanks.

by demiantmb December 30, 2022