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Shit Dag

When an animal defecates and the shit becomes stuck to the fur.

"You better trim fluffy or he'll get shit dags again!"

by GawthBoi November 27, 2018

snow dags

The chunks of dirty snow, ice, and/or slush that accumulate in vehicle wheel wells as a result of winter driving.

"Don't kick those snow dags out - you'll break your toe! Here, use my broom handle."

by Mrs. Jokers February 11, 2014

dilly dag

To procrastinate, get off task.
Commonly found in ADHDers

“Where the hell is my dealer?! This man stays dilly daggin

by Chefhef July 13, 2024

Dag Pålsson

Dag Pålsson is a housewife by day,and gamer/alcoholic by night. He is så jääävlalig, but he is very good at making apple pie. Mkay bye.

-Dag Pålsson is such a housewife

by Bryce mcintyre's mom June 25, 2018

Dirty Dag

When you enjoy pressing high torqued powertools against your rectum while squatting over a mirror.

Tony was in the bathroom for 2 hours doing the Dirty Dag!

by Plexality July 13, 2023

Shew dags

(1) Verb

To have / take / give a shew dags. To have, take or give a small to moderate amount of something*, but most commonly used to describe having or taking a few drags of a joint or rollie, or giving someone a few drags of a joint or rollie.
*Literally anything with context.

(2) Noun

Weed (cannabis), usually a small to moderate amount.

A full or partially smoked joint or rollie.

(3) To describe time

Usually used to describe an unspecified amount of time.

As a measurement of time
- Most commonly used to describe a time period of about 5 to ten minutes.

(1) - well man could i get a shew dags of that bucky.

- well man could i get a shew dags of that joint.

(2) - Have you got any shew dags. Yea man I've about half a ten spot on me man.

- Can I've some of that shew dags your smoking.

(3) - Where have you been man you've been gone for a good shew dags.

- Can i call someone off your phone it will only take a shew dags.

by Lootintheshoot June 17, 2018

fat dag

Fat dag is an exclamation used when something is an inconvenience.

Person 1: Dude I totally failed that math test.

Person 2: Aw man I'm sorry that's a fat dag.

by Gmoney36 August 25, 2017