When one of your bruhs is doing you dirty in a game without giving you too much shit talk but isn't holding back on you just because your friends. Could be used as a passive aggressive term when one friend is talking shit but another bruh who's better puts them in their place.
"We were playing Blazblue last night and Dias Bruh Dogged ForeverKnight all night."
"All Dias does is ledge guard in Smash." "Yeah man, hes just Bruh Doggin us every stock"
When you bag a girl so hard named Briana the next morning she’s lo doggin
Man babe last night was great, but now this morning I’m lo doggin
When you have to take a shit and wait til the last minute and can't hold it anymore and it starts coming out before you sit on the toilet
It was close call thought I wasn't going to make it to the bathroom I was Prarie Doggin.
To go for a sneaky pint or a sneaky fag. To do something showing how much of a cute cunt you are. Drinking on the sly. Used only by a select group of skyboys in Connemara.
Are we sly doggin it down the pub tonight lads?
like bare bones but for the dawgs
look at him bare doggin it
The act of performing aggressive pork like feeding rituals while holding a CoRNDOGGS above your head like an undercover weenie
Hey Devon! Did you see Cletus at the party last night ham doggin’ on Glenese? Her hips were really swangin!
When a group of males typically above the age of 18 get together and masturbate to pictures of underaged children.
Did you hear about those creeps lollie-doggin in the men’s restroom? so creepy.. And illegal!