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SiIvaGunner Effect

For when someone you know claims to be leaving something, ie a party, or somewhere but you know right from the getgo they won't go through with it due to changing minds, general delusion or it never being intended to be happening from the beginning

Yeah man Joe said he's going to leave the party but I'm getting serious SiIvaGunner Effect vibes from him.

by bigminiman12 March 14, 2017

The 3691 Effect

The effect of where at a party when a guy gets desperate a not attractive girl may seem attractive.

Guy 1- I can't believe I got with that girl last night at the party. She's ugly!

Guy 2- it's the 3691 Effect!!

by BBYO September 1, 2016

Photoelectric Effect

A sheet of metal only reflects certain wavelengths of light due to magic we call quantum theory.

I stopped paying attention to classes when we photoelectric effect began leading into quantum theory. Got a passing grade of C-, though.

by Bad C dev February 28, 2021

Yibo Effect

the state where you are so mesmerized by Wang Yibo’s beauty and hotness that you run out of words, you go speechless, you go feral

I can’t breathe. It’s all because of Yibo effect

by xiyiboan October 9, 2021

kuring effect

The Kuring Effect is a phenomenon that refers to the practice of reducing energy consumption by lowering the brightness of electronic displays, such as computer monitors, smartphones, and televisions. This method has become increasingly popular in recent years as people become more conscious of their environmental impact and energy usage.

While the Kuring Effect has proven to be an effective way to save energy and reduce electricity bills, it does come with a downside. People who try to view the display while the brightness is lowered may find it too dark to see anything. This can cause frustration and annoyance, leading some individuals to become angry or upset.

Despite its limitations, the Kuring Effect remains a valuable tool for individuals and organizations seeking to reduce their energy consumption and promote sustainability. As technology continues to advance and new ways of conserving energy are developed, it is likely that the Kuring Effect will play an increasingly important role in helping to create a more sustainable future.

"Using the Kuring Effect has helped me reduce my energy bills and feel better about my environmental impact, but it can be frustrating when other people can't see what's on my screen."

"I appreciate the Kuring Effect as a way to save energy, but I wish there was a way to quickly adjust the brightness when someone else needs to use my device."

"The Kuring Effect has been a game-changer for me in terms of reducing eye strain and saving battery life on my phone, although I have had some issues with it being too dim in certain lighting conditions."

"Oh, fantastic, yet another person using the Kuring Effect to save the planet while simultaneously blinding everyone in the room. Thanks for that, really appreciate it. I mean, who needs to see what's on their screen anyway, right? Let's just all squint and strain our eyes while we try to make out what's going on. Brilliant."

by bosscockuser69 May 4, 2023

The Restaurant Effect

Subconsciously drinking water at a restaurant while the waiter refills the glass, resulting in a continuous need to use the bathroom throughout the meal.

This is most often seen in nervous people on first dates

Joe: I drank so much water before she arrived! And when she did, I had to leave to go to the bathroom four times during dinner! She probably thinks I'm so weird...

Steve: don't worry man, you were just suffering from the restaurant effect. It could have happened to anyone!

by Flying starfruit July 30, 2016

Gorillaz Effect

When you listen to a song for the first time, and don't really like it, then listen to it a couple more times, and now it's your favorite song.

Gorillaz - Sound Check (Gravity)
The Gorillaz Effect:
1st listen: mmmh... strange song

2nd listen: yeah, it's pretty good


by surrealreal_ March 10, 2021