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Modern Fashion

Something so twisted and odd that it has to change every year. Some things are deemed 'in style', and the populous instinctly follows like a mindless herd, no matter how bizzare or uncomfortable it may be. It's as if they have no sense of individuality anymore.
I see people in schools in my town, even children at the age of 8 are getting into this, wearing heels and shutter-shades, their daily attire seems like a costume, and here I am, a fellow female, in baggy jeans, sneakers and a hoodie. Their clothing seems so uncomfortable. Tight jeans and heels, or just leotards and a tee shirt. And it gets worse each year. Is this what our modern culture is coming to? And who exactly says that this stuff is in? Is there a department of "In" somwhere in the world? The Bureau of In, located in INdianapolis, INdiana? (No offense to you lot.)
I've ranted long enough.
Summed up, 80's fashion is back in buisness (shudder).
And guys clothing? Barely changing.

Modern Fashion = Skinny jeans, shutter shades, hipster glasses, leotards + Tee shirt combo, skirt hitched up around waist, feather-laiden jewelry, plastic, plastic, PLASTIC, heels, those silly rubber bracelets that are in the shape of animals...
The list goes on.

by Azolus March 20, 2011

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fashion roadkill

when a person tries to dress fashionable or thinks they are doing so but ends up looking ridiculous

celebrities are increasingly getting into situations of fashion roadkill.

by The Return of Light Joker November 28, 2009

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It's a more eclectic way of referring to one's personal sense of style or fashion.

If someone asked how these shoes look with these pants, the boring word is nice, great, etc. If the shoes absolutely make the pants come to life to the point that the pant's won't let you take them off, doesn't that deserve a colorful reference that matches the feeling it gives me. I'd say.."The way that those shoes are wearing those pants are fantasciously(fan-tast-ish-lee) fucking wicked!!"

When I met up with Barbie & Renee at the mall there was something that was contagiously sparkley about them. When Renee stopped talking mid-sentence and darted off straight for a special section of shoes and picked up the most "fashion-sexy" vintage styled high heel stiletto boot that actually featured a peep-toe in the front. Her "fashion-sexy" at that moment blew me away and made us both tingle all over our bodies.

by Jersey Styles July 16, 2010

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fashion horse

A man who only wears the latest fashions, in order to place himself ahead of the competition.

He thinks being a fashion horse will land him a management position.

by lot98a September 29, 2010

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fashion queen

An above average interest in, preoccupation with and taste for fashionable clothing, trends and/or originality in personal appearance. Someone that stands out from the crowd with unique or good taste, a well manicured appearance and above average grooming. A fashion queen does not need to spend a lot of money on his/her look. It is more about the impact of the final image, the originality or tastefulness of the final look that denotes a thoughtful approach to one's appearance.

she is such a fashion queen

by likely tree September 11, 2014

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In the music scene, The breed of show-go-ers/ scene kids that dress themselves based solely upon the type of music they listen to, or the people they hang out with. Usually this is marked by ridculously scene hair, tight pants for guys, clearly marked hardcore band shirts, and lots of bad make-up for the girls.

Scene kid #1- "Did you see that Jack dyed his hair jet black and cut it so it's always in his eyes??"
Scene kid #2- "Oh I'm not even worried, with these tight jeans and eyeliner, I'm so more fashion-core than he'll ever be.."

by boycottmcdonalds August 9, 2006

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Fashionably Late

When you arrive later not because you are late , you show up with style.
You maybe were "doing your makeup" or "dumping an ex" but you are perfectly amazing :3

Person 1: "Goddamnit, she just came here?"

Person 2: "wow she is so pretty,"

Person 3: "she is so fashionably late "
Fashionably late

by (/`โ€ข~โ€ข`)/ why U lookin here. F October 17, 2018

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