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Selective Fatigue Syndrome

Fatigue which is used as an excuse when one does not want to perform undesirable tasks such as work.

My co-worker claimed her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome kept her from coming to work, but she had no problems making it to the nightclubs. What she really has is Selective Fatigue Syndrome.

by viking maiden October 21, 2009

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chronic fatigue syndrome

Whoever came up with this name should be shot. The term 'chronic fatigue' doesn't do justice to this illness, which is much more akin to late stage AIDS than how you feel after a really hard workout.

CFS is a lot of fun because
1. doctors think you're full of shit
2. everyone else thinks you're just lazy
3. no one's bothered to invest in research for a cure, probably because CFS patients are too sick to get out of bed to stage outrageous public funerals, etc.

stuff people will say to you if you have chronic fatigue syndrome:
"it's all in your head"
"you have mental problems"
"at least you don't have cancer or anything. you're not going to die." (false. people with cfs do die. mostly because they kill themselves, but also because they overexert themselves, and their body gives out on them. I myself have very fond memories of being stuck, spread-eagled on my kitchen floor, unable to move).
"but you seem okay"
"let me prescribe you some prozac."
"you need to get off your behind and do something."

Indeed, no condition is a better breeding ground for bitter cynicism towards the rest of the human race that cfs. I get new reasons to hate people every day!

by jollygreengiant132132 August 2, 2012

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Do-Nothing Fatigue

The fatigue that comes from getting up late and sitting around and doing nothing.

Jimmy: I just sat around and watched TV all day, and now I have a headache.
Johnny: Must be Do-Nothing fatigue.

by Lou Landers August 10, 2008

Trump-fatigue Syndrome

Anxiety caused by the constant barrage of media coverage on TV and social media regarding Donald Trump. People who find it difficult to turn on the TV news or open their social media page because it causes them stress and anxiety may suffer from Trump-fatigue Syndrome. This syndrome may cause high blood pressure, shortness of breath, and even heart attack or stroke.

"My psychologist said that I should stay away from TV news and social media because I have Trump-fatigue Syndrome."

by Dzuko99 September 4, 2018

Air-con Fatigue

When the air-conditioning becomes so cold, your body begins to shut down to keep warm.

My foot's numb, must be the air-con fatigue

by 7aipan December 16, 2005

chronic fatigue syndrome

Being sick all the time for no discernable reason. Like, fibromyalgia, but more tiredness and less pain. Typically it's really hard to get people to believe you, especially doctors and social security.

I have chronic fatigue syndrome. Although I'm 22 years old, I still have to live with my parents, who seem to think that my illness is something I made up just so that I could drop out of university and pop pills all day.

by jollygreengiant132132 April 26, 2012

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Outrage fatigue

Throwing a massive tantrum to the point of both physical and mental exhaustion of the tantrum-er.

Most commonly seen in kids under the age of 9. Can also happen to adults who have anger issues (which could be quite devastating).

When little Johnny came out of his room to find his parents gone, he started to weep and cry. When their parents shortly came back, little Johnny was furious in tears and started screaming and wailing at them with all his might. Soon after 10 minutes he was so tired from all the screaming that he felt dizzy and collapsed onto the floor. Little Johnny just had an outrage fatigue.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 4, 2020

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