The belief that women and men are equal and neither should be deprived from basic human rights. It is called feminism because it is focusing on helping raise women to a higher status to become EQUAL with men. Although it is often confused and mixed in with misandry, it is in no way the same thing. Feminism has gotten more and more popular over the years as both men and women raise their voices to support feminine rights.
As a man that believes in feminism, Aaron marched alongside millions of people in a Womenβs March.
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A social movement that was first started to get women the equal rights.
Nowadays it is easily misunderstood. Feminism is about equality.
Feminism is about breaking the double standards of gender and sex. It's about how we treat men as much as it is about the treatment of women. But people often forget that.
When a man stays home with his child he is being a very good dad but when a woman does the same it is just how it should be. The wife often gets the children if she gets divorced and this is somehow the deafult.
Men have four times more likely to commit suicide than women. Boys are told to bottle up their feelings. Women are expected to and stereotyped as feeling creatures. Double standards
All feminists are not the same. It is a big movement that has different sides. Some of the "feminism" seems to be about only cis women's rights but that doesn't mean that all feminism is.
No real feminist is a terf
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Basically if you're having trouble understanding all these other definitions with all these words.
Feminist is basically thinking that females should have the same right as guys. That's literally it.
"I support feminism."
"So.. you think that girls should have the same pay check equality, same rights, and ish like that? As guys do?"
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The dumbest thing since womans rights
feminism is cancer its the dumbest thing since womans rights
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striving for equal rights for BOTH men and women. bringing awareness to BOTH issues and NOT saying one is better than the other, because that would be sexist.
why are women still told to go back to the kitchen? that is why we need feminism.
why are men still pressured to be "strong" and never to cry? this is why we need feminism.
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Feminism is a one-sided, selective way of thinking.
Females have been raped and burned at the stake in the past, is that really worse than being boiled in oil or having your guts ripped out before being hanged, drawn and quartered, then finally beheaded? There is no shortage of ways males have thought of to torture other males before executing them.
Females have babies, most males do as much to raise them as their mothers. Still feminism doesn't look at life that way, or want anybody else to.
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A movement that used to be meaningful but now there is no reason for it because everyone has the same rights now it should mean equality between both genders but the police are more likely to kill a man then a female and give a man a harder sentence then a women for the same crime
Emily: Are u going to the feminism march I am.
Michele: kys
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