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The Big Flo

when someone puts their cat in a washing machine then straight into the freezer, takes it out and uses the tail as a dildo whilst the paws of the pussy stroke the pussy

i just ran for the big flo

by Bestest Big Baba February 15, 2021


when a girl has a period on partners face

damn we got so drunk last night i though she was going to give me a flo-job

by big manny May 13, 2009

Flo logic

The action of running away, then hiding behind a wall to avoid the enemy.

It is usually done when someone else, who does not know what the fuck is going on, is trying to follow.

Face your problems, don't use the Flo logic

by laulogic December 1, 2021

flo boi

broke person or a flexing ass nigga

Shut yo flo boi having ass up wit ya broke self..

by cakepop23 January 23, 2017

flo barker

Really really gay, always watching memes because they have no friends, most likely on tik tok and a massive bender because she bums squirrels

“Yo wonder what joes doing over the holidays
“ he’s probably doing what a Flo barker would be doin”

by Chris peacock April 13, 2020


One 100 percent real and to be the best you can be

Yo, That nigga is hella flo

by FloMent January 10, 2018


she is the prettiest person out there and if she thinks otherwise she is wrong

and the kindest and funniest person and very hot

my bestie flo is the best

by February 4, 2024