Best drill rapper. Pouncy ass mfs in OY like they gon do sum to him. LOST THERE MANS IN A METRO LMAO
In the corner, you see the Dirt bike assassin KAY FLOCK
Sexiest finest and the Best drill rapper alive. #freemyman if you think otherwise suck my dick hoe
🤡: “Kay flock not coming home”
💀: yo dad ain’t either bitch
Votes cast based on the emotion whipped up by sophist political leaders. These emotions may be single issues or general fervor based on a variety of burning hot issues such as religion, denial of civil rights for minorities, moral perception. Such votes are marked by unreasoned ideas or complete lack of reason. Flock voting is the most desirable type for the GOP and oligarchical business.
Education and reason will signal the eventual demise of the GOP and institutions who depend on flock voting to perpetuate the oligarchy that the United States of American became in the second millennium.
When multiple dickheads flock into a certain, place, fandom or hobby, transforming it into a clusterfuck of assholery. They will then anally rape it until it is sore, rotten and a genuinely bad place for everyone.
Joe: Did you see what the SJW invasion did to Marvel Comics?
Rex: Yeah. Once they began cluster-flock to it, it was only a matter of time.
An idea that did not age well based on the strange 80's haircut.
My dad said that computers have come as far as they can possibly go back in 1972. What a flock of seagulls.