a man that is 100% completely the opposite of the word ugly
harry styles is very beautiful.
a person capable of saving so many people with a flash of green eyes, or a bright, beautiful smile. also has the power to give comfort in every single movement they carry out, and make everyone feel extremely loved and welcomed. has beautiful tattoos, the prettiest curly hair, and overall a perfect complexion. has an amazing personality. often speaks out against interviewers when women are labeled with sexist titles. loves everyone, regardless of race, gender, or sexuality. openly supports the LGBTQ+ community, and usually waves pride flags on stage when they are thrown. has the most ethereal voice and prettiest music. the pure example of a flawless being.
jenny: "hey, did you see that new picture of harry styles smilin-"
louise: *sobs*
Hottest man you even walk on this earth
Teacher: What the hottest thing on the Earth
Student: Harry Styles
Teacher: Correct! You get a star for the right answer!
THE HOTTEST MAN ALIVE who sings about watermelon sugar (whatever that is)
OMG have you seen the picture in his new album? Harry Styles looks so hot
An overrated musician who is not as good as he sounds. Was one a part of the boyband One Direction, and has the most successful solo career. He's not even that good looking, so I don't get why teenage girls like him. The only song people actually know of his is Watermelon Sugar. Some people say controversial stuff, which might be true. But all his fangirls go crazy when he wears a dress every 2 months and tag him as a LGBTQ ally, which is just stupid. He's not an ally, he donated to places that are transphobic. Do not let his fangirls fool you, he is not the best musician ever.
Friend one: "who are they getting so excited about?"
Friend two: "Just Harry Styles."
Friend one: "Oh okay. Anyway, wanna go get food?"
Band member of One Direction (currently on a hiatus) who gets insulted and misrepresented as a womanizer from the media and society even tho he's the purest, kindest, funniest, most caring and loving person ever being. He doesn't deserve al the bullshit. He cares dor everybody, believes in equal rights and stands up. He's a blessing. Plus he's an amazing artist with a heart of gold.
Media: Harry Styles is dating xy. Oh now he's dating yz.
Haters: he's a faggot you deserve nothing of what you archieved
Me: he's the reason i'm happy, my idol, and angel and i love him no matter what