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snake hips

noun. 1. the hips of a very slim girl or woman

She has snake hips. She wears, like, a size 00.

by JetCat September 3, 2007

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joined at the hip

absolutely inseparable, (implying as inseparable as conjoined twins attached at the hip)

The pastor was joined at the hip with his church. He just wouldn't leave.

by The Return of Light Joker January 9, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hip Rock

Hip Rock is a lifestyle, music style and clothing style.

He listens to hip hop and rock, he lives like a rockstar and he is so hot, he is Hip Rock !

by goonk6 December 26, 2008

50๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

hip hop

Music created by people of color for the purpose of annoying the white population.

My IQ drops every time I hear that stupid hip hop playing.

by poyfectpecker May 6, 2019

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hip Hop

Hip Hop is real music that came directly from jazz and soul and incorporates elements of rap. It gets a bad rap (pun not indended) today because most mainstream music is considered hip hop, although it is in actuality pop, techno garbage. Hip Hop and rap should be a better respected art that is often overlooked because of mainstream. Most underground rap is real legitimate hip hop and takes tremendous skill to write. Check it out.

****Before you read this please know that I like both hip hop and rock****

Rock fan: Ahhh, hip hop is absolute crap and today's music is awful.

Me: Man, I love rock, but hip is real music too. Mainstream isn't real music. It's cool, just kick back, chill, and listen to some nice rap.

by Stecster April 30, 2011

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Hip Fober

Hip Fober:- A FOB who considers himself to be a rapper just because he/she listens to Hip hop and goes " Yo maaaan" the whole time

That FOB who just came a couple months ago thinks he is a rapper by drinking Steel reserve and listening to Hip hop where he's actually a Hip Fober

by Doom J November 16, 2009

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biscuit hips

n. the gooey overflow from the top of low-cut jeans worn by chicks who shouldn't be wearing them. Similar to the way Pillsbury pop-n-fresh biscuits ooze out of the container when you pop them open.

Look at the nasty ass biscuit hips on that one.

by The Baker September 6, 2004

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