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Homer Simpson

I know damn right you did not just look up Homer Simpson

Dude watch The Simpsons on Fox then you will know who the fuck Homer Simpson is

by Puss_bot June 1, 2020

Homer Simpson

A Homer Simpson is a lovable dumb person who is a bit like an ape.

Fat husband: I’m gonna go put my hand in the blender.

Wife: Oh, you’re such a Homer Simpson!

by 12221hehwhe June 25, 2021

Homer simpson

An insult used in a nuclear power plant for the same lazy actions of Homer Simpson

Who hired the homer Simpson?

by Kidinthycorner January 15, 2022

Homer Simp...son

Twitch term: someone that acts very protective of a streamer, almost like a father figure, but in reality is her biggest simp.

"Yeah, Jack is way too protective of Kelly, he is a total Homer Simp...son."

by Magnus Motor August 18, 2022

Homer Simpson Tan

Since 2020 it is a thing caused by being out in the sun too long wearing a mask to protect from Covid 19. Basically the area around the mouth an nose stays white and pasty, giving the appearance of the well known character from The Simpsons' facial features.

Been out in the sun too long today have we? That mask has given you the Homer Simpson Tan look hasn't it?

by KavMan January 8, 2022

Homer comment

To make a comment that is completely idiotic and moronic.

To say the Cowboys are America's team is a homer comment

by HTTR4LIFE June 15, 2016


Homerism is a religion that portrays the cartoon character Homer Simpson and his family as humanity's only hope for salvation into heaven. Basically the ultimate messiah.

More can be read here:

"I believe Homerism is the true religion, and everyone should convert."

by TechnoBros January 30, 2023