The biggest waste of time in the world
OK class it’s time to torture you with homework
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Originally used as a punishment, now given out quite commonly what we call teachers. Better known as FUCKING CUNTS or WHORES.
teacher: "Okay, so you guys need to do page 1-5000 by tomorrow and also a 69 page essay due in a second."
The most useless thing since Logan/Jake Paul...
Homework is one of the most evil things that a teacher can give out during the day because when you get home you just want to end it all
which also keeps students up untill four AM which gives them even less energy
The actual mother of nightmares
Homework was literally invented as a punishment for students who misbehave
Cover name for Pornhub if your at school or your mom checks in on you
Kid: *Watching Pornhub*
Mom: What are you doing?
Kid: uhhh.. Just doin some “homework”?
Mom: oh ok.
Work that a teacher sends home from school. Usually, simply the leftover work from that days lesson. Often a large part of one's grade, many students believe that it is pointless. In reality, it's a good idea, just simply brought to extremes (the assignments are also way too long, even if they are easy). In some college classe, it is not even a part of one's grade, just some extra work a student can do if they don't understand the material. Many high schools could learn from this example, as the reason most students fail classes is because they don't do the homework. Though it is ultimately the student's fault (in most cases) that the work isn't done, the constant barrage of electronic entertainment available to kids nowadays certainly doesn't help.
Kid A: Hey, did you do the homework?
Kid B: Yeah, but it took me a while. It'd be nice if I could just do the homework on subjects I need help on, instead of this algebra that I already understand.
Kid A: I didn't do it. I was gonna, but I got stuck playing World of Warcraft. Oh well, my fault. Damn ADHD.
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