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pancake mix

An alternative way to win an argument besides using two camels in a tiny car

By Ray William Johnson

Pepsi is better!" "No, Coke is better!" "Pepsi! Pancake mix! You lost."

by Random =D June 22, 2010

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chex mix

a cocktail of stimulants, usually ritalin and adderall conveniently bundled for one's consumption.

"yo, i'm still geekin' off that chex mix!"

by m to the aysa April 8, 2008

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Trail Mix

A combination of fruits, nuts, and granolas, often pertaining to a group of people of the Californian-variety. Also applicable to supporters of Bernie Sanders, people from Portland, and English majors who just returned from their first trip abroad.

Trail Mix also includes hipsters, vegans, cry bullies, environmentalists, baristas, art majors, tree huggers, liberals, flamers, flower children, and anyone who has ever been to Burning Man.

Oh lookโ€ฆ hypocritical Trail Mix are throwing rocks and eggs at families leaving a Trump rally while preaching that everyone should just get along.

I can only handle California in small dosesโ€ฆ the Trail Mix is completely overwhelming. At least in Texas, the Trail Mix is mostly confined to Austin.

At first, I thought I was in the hood, but then realized that these rundown houses were all rented by white Trail Mix who make shitty jewelry and sell vinyl for a living.

by Puttin On The Foil June 16, 2016

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Mixed Economy

Mixed Economy is an economy that includes a variety of private and public control, reflecting characteristics of both capitalism and socialism.

ALL so called capitalist countrys are in fact mixed economies

the usa is a good example of this since it has always been considered capitalist but in fact has been a mixed economy since at least frederick roosevelts time.why well it has had big gov,public ownership of education,security,public funding of the private sector(as proven by noam chomsky),etc

china is another good example of mixed economy as it is often considered either communist or capitalist but like usa is also a mixed economy.

it is also necessary to know that capitalism and socialism have collapsed and failed in the first and second worlds and only exist in third world countrys

it is also important to know that while mixed economy does gain the good of both systems it also can inherit the bad
such as corrupt gov and bureacracy from both systems.heavy gov control from socialism.high crime and private control from capitalism,etc

so far even with its down sides mixed economy has proven to be the most efficient system the world has seen so far.unfortunatly it is often labeled and thought of as capitalism(IT IS NOT!) by right(mostly) and left wing groups not to mention the media.

as a personal thought it seems interesting how alot of misinformed people believe the bs the media propagates and i highly plead with you the reader to spread the word of mixed economy and debunk this bullshit belief that the first world is capitalist.no it is not!.

by dudetellingthetruthnotmediaBS March 30, 2011

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mixed guy

A mixed guy that has a big penis and shows a great time in bed.

OMG!! I couldn't take your big penis, I didn't know mixed guys were so big.

by big white dumb cracker February 17, 2017

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to take different pieces of media (images,
audio, or video) and process them through
a computer (or other machine) into new pieces
of media.

The movie 'the Phantom Edit' is a re-mix of the original Star Wars film 'the Phantom Menace.'

by Joseph Stengel-Goetz February 13, 2005

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Munchie Mix

Yo! Dudes & Dudettes, The ULTIMATE cure for chinese-eyes;

Take a COPIOUS! amount of fresh-made popcorn, sprinkle with taco or fajita seasoning to suit your taste, mix well then toss with melted butter. (Important, add seasonings before you butter the papa-charlies or it will all clump up, and don't salt it till you taste it 'cause a lotta taco/fajita shake have a shit load in it already.)

Take the popcorn and dump it in a big-ass brown-paper bag, add boo-coo amounts of Goobers, Raisinettes and Sno-Caps or Nestle's Tollhouse morsels, generic chocolate chips will work fine. The combination of sweet and salty and spicy is KILLER WICKED! It really TWANGs yer buds.

Close and fold over the top of the bag and SHAKE!

Grindage City!!

Since all of the ingredients but the seasonings are availible at the Snack Bar, I keep a film can of Fajita shake & cayenne in the saddle bags on my '48 Indian, so if me and the chiquita want to spark up before the flix or the Lazer Floyd show at the planetarium "we be set, a'ight"

(Also try using M&Ms, Reeses pieces, butterscotch chips instead,(or you can add the marshmallow bits you picked out of your lucky charms). also, if you like it REALLY spicy and HOT like we do, add some cayenne powder before you butter the corno, and if you like it milder, substitute Chex party-mix seasonings instead of the Fajita mix)

YO! B-Yach, don't bogart the Munchie Mix, you be crunchin' but you aint be passing! I mean, Damn! an next time wear some drawers cuz you be rottin' my seats!

by Command MasterChief Guns May 13, 2007

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