CJ is a interesting and which this case he is nice funny cool chill loving supportive caring but can always become very mysterious through the thing he had been through in his life with regards of his ex’s that was very toxic and very unpredictable
interesting CJ A nice person
a person who was in toxic relationships and now can’t trust people for what they did:)
You get invited to that basic Facebook event that Derrick from down the hall sent out. You feel obligated to feign interest in attending the event to impress Derrick's hot friend, but you would rather stay in and watch Netflix. This is a classic Interested, but not attending situation.
Did you get the invite to ATO's Pirate Party next Friday?
Ugh, I'm actually interested, but not attending.
To fornicate with a bank manager.
Nowadays, interest evasion is easier than taking a shit.
The state of being simultaneously intriguing and unimportant; a paradoxical blend of captivating quirks and inconsequential qualities that make someone or something stand out, while also not really mattering in the grand scheme of things. Often accompanied by a playful sense of humor and an appreciation for life's absurdities.
Oh, that's just Quintessa being Quintessa. She's full of interesting insignificance - always coming up with quirky ideas and fascinating trivia that make her stand out, but really don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
When a male & female genders make love and the nastys. It happens mostly at night but also good at day
Hey baby. After were done dinner, you wanna do interesting things and the nasty with me tonight?
A personal interest that is aligned with your jobs role and responsibility. Propersonal interests are a great addition to your growth plan and should be discussed by you and your manager during growth conversation. Growing your propersonal skills is a great way to bridge the gap between personal and professional development.
I have a propersonal interest in developping as a krav maga coach and i think some of the teams could benefit from learning krav maga.
1. When a completely random set of people find themselves hanging out together and a third party decides to comment on their unusual outing
2. Any circumstance involving a random group of people who have absolutely nothing to do with each other
1. “Becky! Did you see them having dinner the other day?”
“Yes! What an interesting assortment of characters dining in unison”
2. “A random assortment of characters dining in unison just texted me !!!!!” (Completely open to any sort of interpretation)