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Doing a kamikaze is while you masturbate, you call your parents just before finishing

Yesterday Tom missed a kamikaze and now his parents want to castrate him

by Mastropiero April 5, 2020


Another way of saying the D

Jamal: "Man I going to give kesha the kamikaze today!"
Leo: "Damn Nigga!"

by Exklus1iv April 12, 2015


The first guided missile ever created. It was put in service in october 1944 by the Japanese and proved to be very effective against American ships.
The missile consists of a plane, preferably a fast one, equipped with explosives and a pilot. Its biggest advantage was its accuracy. It could also be launched directly from ground or carriers.
Surprisingly, every pilot directing the guided missile was killed in action.

Yankee 1: Who sunk the USS Bunker Hill ?!
Yankee 2: A Jap. I think his name was Kiyoshi Ogawa something.
Yankee 1: Where's this fxcker ??!
Yankee 2: Aboard the USS Bunker Hill.
Yankee1: Oh. Kamikaze uh.

by Pengator November 13, 2019