Oh yeah! Look at that! That was a pretty quick 180! Pretty spry for an older gal! But what if you antagonized him into it? What if you antagonized him into doing the child murder, Megyn? Then what? Would you be liable then? Is it a hard-line on "buying him a gun?" Or would that apply too? I mean, I'm not a sycophant or anything but I think antagonizing the guy into doing the child murder is kind of "buying him a gun" adjacent, don't you think?
A shit-head "Well, I don't know, I mean... Maybe if you bought him a gun..."
Hym "What about antagonizing the child murder into doing the child murder? I don't know, I mean, maybe follow him around for years... Mirror the delusions of reference that are commonly associated with schizophrenia, except, deliberately... When he presses you on it you just double down and keep doing it... Is THAT equivalent, Megyn Kelly? Is that kind of like buying the guy a gun or is that not as bad? Are you liable then?"
In Hollywood or Los Angeles, we sometimes reply to an invite with "Hollywood maybe" when we don't want to completely commit.
Q: Do you want to go to brunch tomorrow with my friends visiting from out of town?
B: Sounds ok if nothing better comes up, Hollywood maybe.
That knife you use after making a sandwich and place on the edge of the sink because you might decide to make another sandwich
"Why is it that everytime I go into the kitchen there's a knife just sitting on the edge of the sink? Why can't you just put it IN the sink?"
"That's the maybe knife, because maybe I'll make another sandwich, maybe I won't. But I don't want to dirty up another one if I might make another in forty-five minutes."
A common phrase used to sarcastically refer to a small cohort of people for which one has a fondness, closeness, or endearment towards. The phrase intends to convey the smallness of the aforementioned group - the "3" is superfluous and really just there for comedic effect.
I love my cat, and maybe 3 people.
The act of telling someone that u can't do a task this week but maybe u can do it nxt week
Bobby: Hey Billy can u help me choke the chicken today.
Billy: Naw, Not this week but maybe next week.
Bobby: Aw, ok i'll just wait
Adjective. Describes a situation where a person believes they may have ADHD but have not been formally diagnosed.
Your partner's Maybe-HD is no excuse for infidelity.
(n. - pejorative)
A predatory, middle -aged cab driver often found trolling Chicago's north side neighborhood bars around 4 AM. Explicitly fond of adopting the role of "daddy" for one or multiple "sons." May or may not express a desire to engage in light bondage, optionally involving toys. Individual possesses a questionable and unsettling familiarity with a victim's close friends.
See also: "predatory closet job."
Dude, if you're cabbing home after the bars close, it's safer in groups... you might end up with John Wayne Maybe.