Source Code

Microsoft Game Studios

a hole in the wall where monkeys code games

dumpster, port o potie, empty tire, can all be used as microsoft game studios, they even have a mobile studio, the garbage truck

by Towelie February 27, 2005

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Microsoft Internet Explorer

a web browser that downloads chrome. otherwise its fucking useless.

i just used microsoft internet explorer to download google chrome

by Piece of shit ass motherfucker February 21, 2022

discord x microsoft

A term of Microsoft, A company who runs Windows about to buy Discord, An app that lets you chat with other people from different servers.

iscor (On Discord) : What's popping?
Quweil (On Discord) : Ever heard of Discord x Microsoft?
YuillQ (On Discord) : Microsoft.. Why..??
Microsoft : *Attempts to Buy Discord*
Discord : *Attempts to Speak to Microsoft*

by UrbanReader2242 April 23, 2021

microsoft blows nob

you're fuckin' a right they do.

Because of how they force windows 10 on every one of their customers, Microsoft blows nob.

by The Griffins March 10, 2016

Microsoft Word Day

Similar to a "bad day," a Microsoft Word Day is caused by having to format something in Microsoft Word. After doing so, having a good day is pretty much impossible, so you might as well go back to bed.

Example 1:
I had to fix the page numbers in my thesis this morning and, an hour into it, I'm pretty sure today is going to be a Microsoft Word Day.

Example 2:
Student 1: Dude, why are you so grouchy today?

Student 2: I had to write a summary this morning and now I'm having a Microsoft Word Day.

by emeralddawn August 26, 2009

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Microsoft Sans Serif

Without a doubt the best font and most widely accepted as the best thing since sliced fonts

n00b 1: Yo, check out that guys font, it's so dope, is it Times New Roman?
n00b 2: No fool, that shit's Old School, this is the modern script...The Microsoft Sans Serif shit man!

by Cranberry_Svenson November 29, 2005

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Microsoft Edge & IE

Means: A piece of crap that the bill gates wanted to feed his son and gave poop to his daughter

Microsoft Edge & IE is a piece of crap

by RehanPlayz September 27, 2022

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