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throwing star

Multi-pointed metallic throwing weapon used by martial artists. Mainly used by Ninjitsu it is also used by practitioners of other styles. Small and discreet, can be carried in pocket. Can be laced with poison for quick killing.

This idiot broke into my house last night. After giving him a groin kick and a backfist he staggered off my front porch. I broke out the throwing star and gave him a going away present in his butt.

by leo cuban August 3, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Throwing it back

When a person hyper extends their back creating a moon shaped body and a large bubble butt

Did you see Zander at the basketball game yesterday he was throwing it back.

by kreampiekenzy March 11, 2019

78๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

throw the lob

Helping a friend get a date by giving the girl/guy good information.

DK: "Damn she looks amazing!
Billy: "Lemme throw the lob I gotchu"

by M.Gray44 April 3, 2016

24๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Throw a party

To organise a party or some exciting event.

Lisa: Jen! When are you gonna throw a party for Janice?

Jen: Tomorrow. It's a surprise!

Lisa: Kickass!

by lksdjf March 1, 2011

38๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dumb Throwed

Tipsy, drunk

if your at a party and people your homie has bin drinking a lot he'd be dumb throwed. because after you have had so much to drink you start acting dumb

by J.R. from the VA September 21, 2010

throwing spears

When you say something to someone and they get upset and defensive and say something back much more offensive to you with intent to really upset you.

Ed: "that was rude what you said to your mom.."
Susan: "well at least my mom actually loves me."
Ed: "okay wow, way to throw spears"

Throwing spears.

by Waynewright April 25, 2017

throw a benny

Term from the mid 80's in North Western England to describe a person (m/f) with a short temper reacting with anger and/or insult with little to no patience due to provocation.

Background. Benny, a character from the improbably successful TV Show "Crossroads" was a man of a simple nature with a short temper.

Person:"Oi !"
Protagonist:"Fuck you cocksucker. I'll come over there and fucking kick the shit out your fat ugly face!"
Person: "Shit man I was only trying to get your attention. No need to throw a benny!"

by benny_uk April 19, 2017