A genius with an afro (obviously).
Afro-genius: any really clever person with an afro.
when someone claims to have known better about something that happened in the past but only because they are in the present
"I told you buying such a cheap bed was going to be a bad idea"
"No you didn't"
"Yes i did"
"You're only saying that cause you see how it turned out now you retrospect genius"
A person who, over the Internet, thinks they're smarter than everyone else.
She is no stranger to trolling, flaming, or annoyance over the net.
She will demand that you use correct grammar, and, if you don't, assume that you're from a third-world country with access to a computer because you raided some up-scale environment.
reg. tired dude: man me to....
net genius: hey, excuse me, but can you please say "too" instead of "to" when using as an adverb. Also, don't forget to use a comma before man; remember you're calling that person "man".
reg. tired dude: stfu... it's the internet! I have a degree, two published books, an upscale apartment, trophy wife, and three redundant white women for oral entertainment, BITCH!
a nigga who understands the way of the hood and it’s dialect, a person who is smart and from the hood
“Nigga call me a hood rat, nigga I’m just a hood genius”
The grown-up version of a boy genius
I was a total man genius just now, dropping my Nintendo Switch controller so artfully.
Another Famous Bramer quote that he says when somebody answers correctly
Student: That should be an Oxford comma
Mr. Bramer: He’s A Genius!
Someone who is exceptionally gifted in the art of cunnalingus. They know the secrets on the female genitalia
Kenisha to partner after org asking for the third time "oh my god Dan you're a vaginal genius!"