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ok google

When someone gives out more information then what was asked for

Friend: where were you?
Guy: I was smashing a chick with the blue hair who had yellow tinted glasses
Friend: ok google

by mvcg October 27, 2019

Ok paul

its like ok boomer, but for people named paul

*a person named paul says something*
"Ok paul"

by lordlibra November 5, 2020

ok koolaid

Created lingo by chief keef , Meaning ok cool or ok that’s fine

Bro: I get the money for it, Me: ok koolaid

by Colorfulmula February 21, 2020


Something you can say when you don't know what to answer (when yes or no isn't a valid answer), and you start panicking.

A: What are the items for?
A: Good answer.

by Jeonga November 18, 2020

Ok Trumper

Phrase used when you've had enough of the bull shit a trumpanzee spouts, and would simply like to dismiss them as logic and reason do not permeate through that thick skull of their's anyways.

TrumpanzeeTrump is by far the best president the USA has ever had! The man can do no wrong...

Normal People With Working Brains: Ok Trumper...

by Lillieah November 21, 2019

30πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Ok Karen.

When you're out shopping and a typical Karen assumes you're an employee you can instantly win the ensuing argument by saying 'Ok Karen.' It's basically Ok Boomer but for Karens .

Karen: HEY! You! I need you to get me random item!
You: I don't work here...

You: Ok Karen.

by LucyKitsune November 19, 2019

151πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Wow OK

A bland, repetative, yet very humorous comeback to any type insult directed at someone.

Usually used by adolescent boys from the 13-16 age group. Never gets old.

Jack: Dude, Jeffl you're a fucking faggot cunt fudge packing dumbass.
Jeffl: .......Wow OK

by Jackolanternfuck August 25, 2006

81πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž