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nuke the fridge

To accumulate enough leftovers so as to run out of space in your refrigerator, heat them up in your microwave, and run over to your neighbor's house passed off as food you made to apologize for something you did.

-Yo man, why'd you have to kill his niece too
-Relax we'll just nuke the fridge

by Cactus Ham March 11, 2021

15👍 8👎

Newfie Fridge

n. Any location in the house, such as the garage or sun-porch, that can substitute for a refrigerator in the winter time. Often used to store Christmas leftovers or beer.

Sometimes this is a Guinea Fridge that is not plugged in due to the extreme Newfoundland winter.

Welcome to the party. Put your beer in the newfie fridge on the back porch.

by Goat Slywinkle February 3, 2010

6👍 2👎

fridge baby

nothing more, nothing less
there is a baby in my refrigerator and he has a loaded gun

person 1: ah shit, there’s a fridge baby in my refrigerator again

person 2: why the fuck do you have a baby in your fridge?

person 1: didn’t you hear? fridge babies break in at exactly 4:20am and they have a loaded gun so you cant prevent them from breaking an entering into your refrigerator

person 2: ah. understandable have a great day

by dust mite September 16, 2021

Fridge Pan

When you make dinner in a pan, but don't feel like putting the leftovers in a container, so you put the whole pan in the fridge.

It's looking like a fridge pan kinda night boys

by Yakob97 June 3, 2020

The fridge is a lie

Meme. From Wayneradiotv, specifically the video where twitch chat can donate through a fax machine. Someone asked to see what’s inside the fridge. Than Wayne revealed that there was no fridge, and that it was a lie.

“Someone put their fur soba pointing a gun at me and said ‘show us what’s inside the fridge Wayne’.

You want the truth? You want the truth? You want the fucking truth?

There is no fridge I lied!” - video called “the fridge is a lie

by Traploveriam January 30, 2021

Working the fridge

When you are really bored and/or really high and find yourself rummaging though the kitchen way too much.

“Hey honey, let’s go for a walk. You are working the fridge way to much tonite.”

“Wow, we really know how to work the fridge in this house.”

“I got to stop working this fridge.”

“Got to be more to life than working this fridge.”

by RJLA January 7, 2023

Fridge Jerky

What food becomes when you leave it in your fridge for too long and it dries out beyond recognition. Usually leftovers that you tell yourself you're going to eat another time but fail to put in tupperware. Still edible but really gross.

Dude, you've got all kinds of fridge jerky in here. Will you PLEASE through some of this out?

by Naevai July 13, 2011