the act of dressing for TOTAL sunshine; swim trunks or bikini, sandals/chanklas, turning on the heat in your place as well as all lights, tropical drink or lime in whatever beer you are drinking while its overcast, foggy, raining and or winter outdoors.
I don't care about PG&E, its weather protest over here!!
D-team protesters a group of below average protesters. They attack inappropriate targets. They have few or no activists’ credentials, and function as fifth columnists. They knowingly harbor looters and extortionists.
"The D-team protesters toppled a statue of an abolitionist who died fighting the Confederacy."
Weren't you the one talking about BLM protests being "mostly peaceful" and bailing people out of jail? 6 billion in property damage because "ThEy HaVe InSuRaNcE!"
Hym "I mean, they look like mostly peace protest to me! What's the difference? Could it be... Who's being protested? No... It couldn't be... Is it because the people being protested are the Jews!? Nonono, wait... The mostly peaceful protests guy... Who defended the BLM protests... Is condemning the OBJECTIVELY AND RELATIVELY LESS VIOLENT CAMPUS PROTESTS!? How the actual fuck is this happening right now? Are we in the twilight zone- Oh wait! It's Hell... HA! I forgot where I was for a second! It's the memory shit that gets you! DAMN! That is WILD though. Right or wrong, the BLM protests were over superfluous police violence... And these ones are over genocide... And NOW... He's condemning the latter... Even though if you had to choose one between the 2... I mean, you see the point I'm trying to make, right? And I'll take a second to take a point for myself. I'm the first one to make this connection. I'm a genius. Good job me. People are getting paid to do this guys... And I beat them to the punch every time! Best pundit of all time! Better than everyone!"
5👍 1👎
An Idiot who is willing to put themselves and everyone else in their general vicinity in danger because they want a haircut.
Poll: Most Americans think Anti-Quarantine protesters are idiots
People stuck at home: I love democracy.
Something that is about Protest, or promotes/supports it. Basically, Adjective form of Protest.
This is kind of a protestical song.
A collection of mathematical formulae which seem to be correct but they are not.
The formula (a + b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 is a typical case of protestant mathematics.
”Protest Pop” is a genre of music coined by Sa’ra Charismata. It is pop music with conscious lyrics and a healing message. Charismata has lead this movement since before 2013.
Charismata described her early style of music as "Protest Pop," a term she coined herself. Afropunk has previously described Charismata as "the quintessential revival of the modern protest song in pop music" and "an outspoken voice that mainstream media may never acknowledge.