The letters you use when you type your password and is also
Just weird thing to say out loud
John: Hey dude what's up
John: What?
You: Fucking QWERTY
John: Wtf! what the hell is wrong with you
The main type key board sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ya
Hey is that a qwerty keyboard
Yes! It is
To have no response to an ignorant friend.
“It’s hard to breathe”
QWERTY means laugh out loud or LOL or hahaha
Alex: The hippo fell off the wall.
The most common worldwide keyboard-order with the first letters being Q, W, E, R, T and Y.
Can also be used for people or things that aren't very effective in what they do.
"This is the common "QWERTY" Keyboard"
"Stop being so Qwerty"