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Were you so damn bored that u typed this shit and expected nothing to come up? Well u were wrong boiii! Here u go u bored ass kid, have fun being not bored! I wrote a story for you, listen.

There once was a kid, who loved his/her computer. One day, (s)he has nothing to do! Oh no! (S)he typed in all the letters of the keyboard, to see what would happen. (S)he expected nothing to come up. But however, (s)he came across this!
Yes, I wrote a story about you. Hope you enjoyed!

I was bored, so I typed in qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm in my computer!

by smiles398 October 23, 2019


you are supposed to be doing a school project or something and you don't want to do it so you pretend to be typing and you are really just typing all of the keys. you are bored as SHIT


by Chloe7789 May 7, 2018


Something that happens when someone is so bored they type qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm on a keyboard


by qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmmnbq October 2, 2020


you were bored you typed in all of the letters on ya KeYBrOaD

I am broed I am gonna type In All DA Letters on my KeYBrOaD qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm

by mo kksmis king of kksims April 5, 2021


When a human is bored and has nothing better to do, or is avoiding a boring task, they type the entire letter section of the keyboard from left to right, like reading a book, top to bottom and searches the masterpiece out of curiosity.

hmmmm should i do the dishes or search qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, i choose to search qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.

by EaheahahoOoJAY April 7, 2020


When you are in class (probably English or History class) and you type the keyboard layout in order of right to left and top to bottom because "what kind of rabbit hole can I get in today. You have gotten this far, I would imagine you had to scroll pretty far to find this. Unless Urban Dictionary puts my suggestion on the top, which is very unlikely. I hope you can get out of the rabbit hole to get on with your life. The way I got out is by writing a definition for the word. I recommend you either go to another page or write a definition like I am right now.

Nathin was messing around and bored (and procrastinating from doing some English and History work), so he typed qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm to see what popped up. What he found was the longest line of definitions and the thought of writing this definition came to him and he wanted to see how far the rabbit hole of definitions was. He wasn't complaining about how funny some of the definitions were, but the only one that referenced a class subject only did Math and Science, but he finds Math and Science interesting, but English and History is harder for him to grasp.
So, he stopped at around the 5th page and started to write this very definition.

by Bigfoot666 January 8, 2022


Your in the middle of class and you typed this into your google search because you are doing this instead of your school work. I see you.

Girl #1- What are you doing to your keyboard?
Girl #2- uh... Searching up qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.

by Suupbrooooo September 30, 2020