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rummage sale

the act of a man rearranging his manhood.

"dude, dont puff-puff pass after your rummage sale! wash your hands bro."

by stendhalsyndrome April 20, 2009

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rummage sale

the act of a man rearranging his manhood.

"dude, dont puff-puff pass after your rummage sale! wash your hands bro."

by stendhalsyndrome April 20, 2009

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drunk sale

A garage sale where you are still drunk from last night thereby causing you to give away everything at ridiculously low prices.

Man I got so wasted last night my garage sale turned into a drunk sale this morning. I think I just sold my TV for a dollar.

by FratDrunk October 29, 2011

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Jimmy Sales

One of the greatest guys out there, who loves to eat chocolate on the daily. Also a huge fan boy of the legendary youtubers Elanip and Treyten. Famous quote from Mr.Sales, "WOwaoahaaahahh".
Generally a really really really chill guy

Jimmy Sales sold a car as a salesmen.

by GuyFromDominos December 8, 2020

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Yard sale

A yard sale is when you have sex with a girl outside, typically on grass. Commonly confused with yardsale

Joe: look over there! Jessicas fucking Alex on that lawn over there!

Rob: yeah! They're having a yard sale!

by Ram77 March 6, 2010

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Steam Summer Sale

The ultimate example of wallet rape.

Guy 1: Hey man, where ya been?
Guy 2: T-t-too many... g-g-games. The p-prices!

Guy 1: Ah. The Steam Summer Sale I see.

by Tyler the Destroyer June 23, 2014

Milk Sale Sex

When your spouse gives you the nook because you brought home a huge milk haul on sale.

Lindsay gave me that top slop milk sale sex after I ran to Sam's Club for a milk run.

by mellayellin August 30, 2018