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aweome kid, aka god. habitually smokes marijuana. has an aweome sister and brudder.(:

girl:gee wilikers, he sure is a scooter.

by scoooo.(: January 2, 2011

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Scooter cooter

Lesbian that rubs (scoots ) cooter (vagina) against partners cooter.

Hey man did ya see that scooter cooter at the store.

Yeah, we know which way her door swings !

by Wisdom7 May 24, 2017

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scooter snake

a 5 year old kid that gets in your way when your doing a mad banger for a edit or something like that

โ€˜snake gets in the wayโ€™ stop snaking me ya snake like honestly go somewhere else

scooter snake

by scooter faggg December 20, 2019

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scooter skank

A skank who moves from cock to cock so swiftly it may lead one to believe that she occupied and or is occupying a scooter

Mary aint nothin but a scooter skank

by biggmike February 9, 2009

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Mobility Scooter

An average to below average looking girl you bring back to shag, but wouldn't want to be seen in public with. First used by Vicky in Geordie Shore: Magaluf Madness.

Jay brought back this mobility scooter. And by mobility scooter I mean good for a ride, but you wouldn't want to be seen in public with one.

by AFLGN August 28, 2011

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Extreme Scootering

A form of extreme/action-sport comparable to BMX or Skateboarding in concept but not in appeal or difficulty. Extreme Scootering (doing tricks on razor scooters) is commonly referred to as the retarded, inbred stepchild of BMX and Skateboarding. In the last 2-3 years the sport has increased nearly threefold in adolescent population and you will usually find the young posers of your town doing little tricks off of curbs on their scooters. Even at it's highest level of skill, scooter-riding has almost no appeal to any audience whatsoever, simply because nobody cares to watch a grown man do tricks on a scooter. The handlebars on the scooter make it easier to control than a skateboard, and the light weight of them make them easier to control than a bicycle, making scooter riding the easiest and most unappealing extreme sport there is. Scooter riders at skateparks are great at snaking real athletes and pretending to fit in with the action sport scene. Scooter riders should really be at home with their babysitters.

Jim: I do Extreme Scootering.

John: That has to be the coolest thing ever.

Jim: I'm the best scooter rider in town.

John: I was being sarcastic. Being the best scooter rider is like bragging about being the straightest gay guy.

by ScootersAreAwesome April 8, 2013

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The Sharp Scooter

The sexual act of receiving a blowjob from a physician while at the same time receiving stitches for a wound youโ€™ve received from doing something stupid. If You ejaculate during the act you have successfully completed The Sharp Scooter.

Bro, I just cut the hell out of my toe running through the house barefoot and picked up some stitches. The Dr. even threw in The Sharp Scooter!

by VID-19 April 5, 2020

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