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giant shat

A extreme amount of brown out of your anus

I just took a giant shat in Ryan’s toilet

by Itz._.bruh October 15, 2020

Shat Pipe

A happy place to go to when you need to take a Shart

Go to your shat pipe now

by Diarrhea doctor. November 24, 2019

Shit for Shat

1) Quid Pro Quo. A pun, or play on words of the phrase "Tit for Tat".
An exchange, trade, barter or agreement, where favors, or other like-valued things, ideas or services are exchanged for one another.

2) A retrospective bowl movement.

"Wow Bob, you get sexual favors, AND breakfast from this girl? All for fixing her malware-ridden computer?"
"Absolutely Tim, it's all shit for shat, after all."

by NCWookieHerder May 2, 2016

Shat meself

Absolutely exquisite way to inform your peers of your self-defecation. Scottish people are more likely to use this sentence

Person 1: I poo'd myself
Person 2: Ew you're disgusting

Person 3: I shat meself
Person 4: Lets go to my place

by cadenza-urb December 20, 2021


1. Noun, This refers to an upsetting or annoying chat had via Google e-mail, otherwise known as "G-Chat."

2. Verb, To annoy or upset somone chatting via Google e-mail, aka "G-Chat."

3. Adjective

1. The G-shat included Tom dumping me and then telling me that he was keeping our dog.

2. Man, I totally got G-shat on when Mary told me that she kissed my boyfriend.

3. Well that was a G-shatty conversation.

by YoBojo August 15, 2008

Shat Minding

Something so impressive, it's no longer Mind Shattering, but Mind Shatting. Then it becomes even more impressive that the words are reversed, thus becoming "Shat Minding"

Those who have Shat Minding abilities:

He-Man, Master of the Universe
Optimus Prime
Spider Man
Master Chief
Marcus Fenix

Ex of a word:

Person 1: DUUDEEE!!! Did you hear that there's gonna be a remake of Halo???

Person 2: Shat Minding man, shat minding

by Mr. Yellowed October 24, 2011

Fanny Shat

A term used to describe giving birth.

Dude 1: Happy Cuntfartday!

Dude 2: The celebration of the day I was fanny shat in to existence!

Dude 1: I think you might just live to see Fanny Shat added to the english dictionary

Dude 2: Or at the very least, the urban dictionary.

by BournetoKill February 1, 2013