A zodiac sign calendar, zodiac symbol, or zodiac sign for Irelynnese people. It applies to all Irelynnese people.
Irelynnese people: I am Shadow (irelynnese sign)
the equivalent of stfu and go fuck yourself, depending on the context of the convrsation
You may as well SIGN IN AND $#$% OFF
do me a favor and SIGN IN AND $#$% OFF
Noun - College
The art of going to lecture on time solely to sign the attendance sheet, then promptly leaving and not returning.
Joe pulled off a sign and drive the other day. He wanted the attendance grade, but he also wanted to go back to his room and beat is meat. It was truly a win-win.
When a person overlooks every single sign that someone clearly is madly in love with them because they “don’t really want a relationship right now” or are afraid of love.
Kimberly thought Tommy’s red heart emojis were “friendly” because Kimberly is sign-blind.
A series of gestures that look as if they should be meaningful but are actually complete nonsense.
“Bottom dances pretty cool, but what’s he doing with his hands?”
“He can’t sing, so must resort to scat signing.”
Refers to the bruising of of the soft-palate after performing fellacio.
Me: Why does my mouth hurt so much?
A medical professional: Oh you have the Elkerton Sign. Looks like you had a fun night!
larry signs are usually what gracies give out. larry signs represent happiness and friendship.
That girl is such a gracie. She even gave me and my frirnds larry signs.